glamour是什么意思 glamour在线中文翻译



n. 魅力, 迷人的美, 魔法
vt. 迷惑


名词 glamour:

  1. alluring beauty or charm (often with sex-appeal)同义词:glamor

动词 glamour:

  1. cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something同义词:hex, bewitch, witch, enchant, jinx


  1. Sophia add a touch of glamour by wear a beautiful dress.苏菲亚穿了一件漂亮的衣服,更增添一份迷人的美。
  2. The moon-light cast a glamour over the scene as they danced the Sword Dance.他们跳起了剑舞,这时明月当空,使景色更加增添了迷人的气氛。
  3. She added a touch of glamour by wearing a beautiful dress.她换上一件漂亮衣服,增添了一分魅力。


glamour 也作 glam.or
n.(名词)An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.魔力,魅力:激发兴趣的魅力、浪漫和兴奋的气氛,尤指虚妄般迷人时Archaic A magic spell; enchantment.【古语】 有魔力的符咒;魅力n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:经常用来修饰另一个名词:例句:a glamour job; a glamour stock.令人向往的工作;热门股票
来源:Scots [magic spell] 苏格兰语 [有魔力的符咒] alteration of grammar [from the association of learning with magic] grammar的变化 [从与学习魔法的联系中得来]
Many words, such ashonor, vapor, and labor, are usually spelled with an -or ending in American English but with an-our ending in British English. The preferred spelling ofglamour, however, is -our, making it an exception to the usual American practice.The adjective is more often spelledglamorous in both American and British usage. 美式英语中的许多词,如honor,vaporlabor 经常以 -or 作为拼写的结尾, 而在英式英语中却以-our 作为结尾。 但glamour 的拼法却以 -our 作为结尾, 成为美式英语中的例外。无论是在美式英语还是英式英语中这个形容词更经常地被拼为glamorous