button是什么意思 button在线中文翻译



n. 钮扣, 按钮
vi. 扣住
vt. 钉钮扣于, 扣紧
【计】 按钮
【医】 钮
on the button
take by the button
not care a button
button up one's lip


名词:buttoner 动词过去式:buttoned 过去分词:buttoned 现在分词:buttoning 第三人称单数:buttons 形容词:but-tony 


名词 button:

  1. a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
  2. an electrical switch operated by pressing同义词:push button, push
  3. any of various plant parts that resemble buttons
  4. a round flat badge displaying information and suitable for pinning onto a garment
  5. a female sexual organ homologous to the penis同义词:clitoris, clit
  6. a device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism同义词:release
  7. any artifact that resembles a button

动词 button:

  1. provide with buttons
  2. fasten with buttons


  1. Will you stitch a button on this shirt?请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗?
  2. You may push this button to call the elevator.你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。
  3. My skirt buttons at the back.我的裙子是背后扣扣子的。
  4. One of the buttons has come off my coat.我上衣上的一颗扣子掉了。


A generally disk-shaped fastener used to join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.钮扣:通常为圆片状的固着物,用于穿过扣眼或扣环将衣服的两个部分连起来Such an object used for decoration.装饰扣:用于装饰的钮扣Any of various objects resembling a button, especially:钮扣似的东西:各种类似钮扣的东西,特别指:A push-button switch.按钮开关The blunt tip of a fencing foil.击剑的钝剑头A fused metal or glass globule.金属球,玻璃球:熔合的金属或玻璃小球Any of various knoblike structures of a plant or animal, especially:扣形物:植物或动物的各种球状结构,尤指:An immature, unexpanded mushroom.末成熟的,未张开的蘑菇The tip of a rattlesnake`s rattle.响尾蛇发声器官的末端A usually round flat badge that bears a design or printed information and is typically pinned to a garment:圆形小徽章:通常为一种圆形扁平的徽章,上面有花纹或印制的信息,象征性地别在衣服上:例句:a campaign button.军功章
Informal The end of the chin, regarded as the point of impact for a punch.【非正式用语】 颏尖:下巴的下端,被当作拳击的攻击点v.(动词)but.toned,but.ton.ing,but.tons v.tr.(及物动词)To fasten with buttons:用钮扣扣紧:例句:buttoned his shirt; buttoned up her raincoat.扣上衬衫钮扣;把雨衣扣好
To decorate or furnish with buttons.用钮扣装饰Informal To close (the lips or mouth):【非正式用语】 闭嘴:闭上(双唇或嘴巴):例句:Button your lip.闭上嘴
v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or be capable of being fastened with buttons:扣上扣子:能用扣子扣住:例句:The blouse buttons up the back.这件衣服从背后扣钮扣
<习惯用语>on the button
Exactly; precisely.准确;确切习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French bouton 源自 古法语 bouton from bouter [to thrust] 源自 bouter [插入] [of Germanic origin] * see bhau- [源于日耳曼语] *参见 bhau-