drawing是什么意思 drawing在线中文翻译



n. 图画, 制图, 拉
【计】 绘图
【经】 (业主)提取, (业主)往来


drawing, illustration, cartoon, diagram, picture, sketch, painting, portrait
drawing: 指用线条或色彩绘成的图画。
illustration: 指插入书页之间帮助说明的任何插图或图解。
cartoon: 指幽默或讽刺性漫画。
diagram: 多指科技书籍或文献中具有概括解说作用的图表、图样或略图。
picture: 指广义的“图画”,现多用来指相片、画像。
sketch: 通常只指画出物体主要特征的图画。
painting: 指着色的画。
portrait: 指肖像,只用于指人。


名词 drawing:

  1. an illustration that is drawn by hand and published in a book or magazine
  2. a representation of forms or objects on a surface by means of lines
  3. the creation of artistic pictures or diagrams同义词:draftsmanship, drafting
  4. players buy (or are given) chances and prizes are distributed by casting lots同义词:lottery
  5. act of getting or draining something such as electricity or a liquid from a source同义词:drawing off
  6. the act of moving a load by drawing or pulling同义词:draft, draught

动词 draw:

  1. cause to move by pulling同义词:pull, draw, force
  2. get or derive同义词:reap, draw
  3. make a mark or lines on a surface同义词:trace, draw, line, describe, delineate
  4. make, formulate, or derive in the mind同义词:draw, make
  5. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover同义词:draw, pull, pull out, get out, take out
  6. represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface同义词:draw
  7. take liquid out of a container or well同义词:draw, take out
  8. give a description of同义词:describe, depict, draw
  9. select or take in from a given group or region同义词:draw
  10. elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.同义词:draw
  11. suck in or take (air)同义词:puff, drag, draw
  12. move or go steadily or gradually同义词:draw
  13. remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)同义词:withdraw, draw, take out, draw off
  14. choose at random同义词:draw, cast
  15. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher同义词:draw, get
  16. bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition同义词:draw
  17. cause to flow同义词:draw
  18. write a legal document or paper同义词:draw
  19. engage in drawing同义词:draw
  20. move or pull so as to cover or uncover something同义词:draw
  21. allow a draft同义词:draw
  22. require a specified depth for floating同义词:draw
  23. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him同义词:draw, quarter, draw and quarter
  24. cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense同义词:pull, draw
  25. take in, also metaphorically同义词:absorb, suck, imbibe, soak up, sop up, suck up, draw, take in, take up
  26. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes同义词:attract, pull, pull in, draw, draw in
  27. thread on or as if on a string同义词:string, thread, draw
  28. pull back the sling of (a bow)同义词:pull back, draw
  29. guide or pass over something同义词:guide, run, draw, pass
  30. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.同义词:tie, draw
  31. contract同义词:draw
  32. reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die同义词:draw
  33. steep; pass through a strainer同义词:draw
  34. remove the entrails of同义词:disembowel, eviscerate, draw
  35. flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching同义词:draw
  36. cause to localize at one point同义词:draw


  1. He was fond of drawing when he was a child.他还是个孩子时就喜欢画画。
  2. The boys amuse themselves by drawing caricatures of their teacher.男孩子们以画老师的漫画取乐。
  3. This drawing shows what the front elevation of the house will look like when it is built.这张图显示这幢房子建成后正面的外观。
  4. Join the dots up to complete the drawing.顺点连线把图画好。
  5. The 20th century is drawing to an end.20世纪即将结束。
  6. A newspaper cartoon is an amusing drawing, usually about some event in the news.报纸上的漫画是一种风趣的图画,通常是针对某一件时事的。
  7. In computer graphics, the simple function for drawing on the screen. Typical primitives are rectangle, line, polygon, etc.在计算机图形学中,在荧光屏上绘图的简单程序。典型的图元是长方块、线段、多边形等。
  8. You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.你撞到了我的手肘,弄坏了我正在画的图画。


n.(名词)The act or an instance of drawing.画:画的动作或实例
The art of representing objects or forms on a surface chiefly by means of lines.绘画:主要用线条在平面上表现一物体或形式的艺术A work produced by this art.图画:这种艺术创作出的作品