beautiful是什么意思 beautiful在线中文翻译



a. 美丽的


名词:beautifulness 副词:beautifully 


beautiful, fair, handsome, lovely, pretty, fine
beautiful: 普通用词,含义广泛,语气最强,指优美和谐,是一种几乎接近完美的美。指人时通常形容女人或小孩,很少用于描写男子。
fair: 正式用词,多用于文学中,形容女子和儿童,侧重外表的美。
handsome: 多用于描写男性的英俊潇洒。有时也形容女人,指其五官端正,体态秀丽。
lovely: 普通用词,描写人时,主要指女人和小孩的相貌,语气不如beautiful强。
pretty: 普通用词,语气比beautiful弱,多用于描写妇女、儿童以及小巧玲珑,精美可爱之物。
fine: 指在容貌、身材或风度等方面令人感到可爱。用于事物时,强调形式或内容的优美。


形容词 beautiful:

  1. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
  2. aesthetically pleasing
  3. (of weather) highly enjoyable


  1. She is, as it were, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.她可说是我见过的最漂亮的姑娘。
  2. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing because of the severe pollution.因为污染严重,许多美丽的鱼类正在面临绝种。
  3. Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company.玛丽在公司里比其他人都漂亮。
  4. The prince lived in a large and beautiful castle.王子住在一个美丽的大城堡里。
  5. It is natural that he should fall in love with such a beautiful girl.他爱上那位美丽的姑娘是很自然的事。
  6. Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。


adj.(形容词)Having qualities that delight the senses, especially the sense of sight.美的:具有使感官,特别是视觉愉快的性质的Exciting intellectual or emotional admiration.美好的:激起理智和感情上赞美的
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>beautiful,lovely,pretty,handsome,comely,fair同义词>All these adjectives apply to what excites aesthetic admiration.所有这些形容词都指能激起美学赞美的东西。 Beautiful, the most comprehensive, applies to what stirs a heightened response both of the senses( Beautiful 最全面,指能够唤起高度视听感觉好的: 例句:a beautiful child; beautiful country; a beautiful painting) and of the mind on its highest level ( 漂亮的小孩;
例句:a persuasive and beautiful theory; a beautiful mathematical proof).美丽的国家;
Lovely applies to what inspires emotion rather than intellectual appreciation: 美丽的图画) 和头脑在它的最高水平上所反应的东西:( .They were lovely, your eyes, but you didn`t know where to look. (George Seferis).
例句:.Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. (James Russell Lowell).What ispretty is beautiful but in a delicate or graceful way; the word rarely applies to what is imposing: 一个完美的数学证明)。
a pretty face;Lovely 指能够激起感情上而不是理智上的赞赏: 例句:.你的一双眼睛是可爱的,但你不知道朝哪里看. (乔治·塞菲里斯)。
例句:a pretty song; .每个人都本能地感觉世界上所有美好的感情合起来也不如一个单一的可爱的行动有份量. (詹姆斯·拉塞尔·洛威尔)。Pretty 美丽,但是一种优美或文雅的美, 这个词很少指给人印象很深的美:
例句:a pretty room.一张漂亮的脸;
Handsome stresses visual appeal by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion: 一首好歌;a very large, handsome paneled library.
.She is very pretty, but not so extraordinarily handsome. (Thackeray).Handsome 强调视觉由于形式和比例与理想一致而引起共鸣: 例句:一个很大的,漂亮的,嵌板子的图书馆。
Comely is usually restricted to wholesome physical attractiveness: .她是非常漂亮的,但不是那么超乎寻常的 漂亮. (萨克雷)。.Mrs. Hurd is a large woman with a big, comely, simple face. (Ernest Hemingway).
Comely 通常是限定于健全的躯体带来的吸引力: 例句: .赫德太太是一个大个子女人,长着一张大而清秀单纯的脸。. (欧内斯特·海明威)。
Fair in this context emphasizes visual appeal deriving from freshness or purity: Fair 在内容上强调由新鲜或纯洁而引起的共鸣: 例句:.In the highlands, in the country places,/ Where the old plain men have rosy faces,/ And the young fair maidens/ Quiet eyes. (Robert Louis Stevenson). .在高原,在乡村/简朴老人的泛红的脸,/年轻美丽的少女们,/恬静的双眼. (罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)