anticipate是什么意思 anticipate在线中文翻译



vt. 预期, 占先, 加速, 提前使用
【医】 提前出现, 先期发生


名词:anticipator 动词过去式:anticipated 过去分词:anticipated 现在分词:anticipating 第三人称单数:anticipates 形容词:anticipatable 


动词 anticipate:

  1. regard something as probable or likely同义词:expect
  2. act in advance of; deal with ahead of time同义词:foresee, forestall, counter
  3. realize beforehand同义词:previse, foreknow, foresee
  4. make a prediction about; tell in advance同义词:predict, foretell, prognosticate, call, forebode, promise
  5. be excited or anxious about同义词:look for, look to
  6. be a forerunner of or occur earlier than


  1. We anticipate that we will meet a certain amount of resistance to our plan.我们预料我们的计划会遇到一些人的反对。
  2. It is unwise to anticipate your earnings by spending a lot of money.大量花钱提前使用自己的收入是不明智的。
  3. In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.在生意上,你必须事先估计到你的竞争对手会如何行动。


an.tic.i.pate及物动词)an.tic.i.pat.ed,,an.tic.i.pates To feel or realize beforehand; foresee.预感,预料:提前感到或意识到;预见To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect.期望;期待:期望,尤指怀着喜悦;期待To act in advance so as to prevent; forestall.抢在…之前:预先防止;领先抢前To foresee and fulfill in advance.See Synonyms at expect 行动在前:预先料到并完成参见 expectTo cause to happen in advance; accelerate.使提前发生;加速,促进To use in advance, as income not yet available.预支:在没拿到收入的情况下预先支用To pay (a debt) before it is due.提前偿还债务
来源:Latin anticip3re anticip3t- [to take before] 拉丁语 anticip3re anticip3t- [提前采取] ante- [ante-] ante- [前缀,表示.在…之前.,.前.] capere [to take] * see kap- capere [采取] *参见 kap-
Some people hold thatanticipate is improperly used as a simple synonym for expect; they would restrict its use to situations in which advance action is taken either to forestall (anticipate her opponent`s next move ) or to fulfill ( anticipate my desires ). In earlier surveys, however, a majority of the Usage Panel accepted the use ofanticipate to mean .to feel or to realize beforehand. and .to look forward to.. The wordunanticipated, however, is not established as a synonym for unexpected. Thus 77 percent of the Usage Panel rejected the sentenceThey always set aside a little extra food for unanticipated guests, inasmuch as guests for whom advance provision has been made cannot be said to be unanticipated,though they may very well be unexpected.有些人认为把anticipate 作为 expect 的简单同义词并不恰当; 他们把这个词的用法限制在某种情境中,即抢在…之前行动(抢在对手的下步之前行动 )或满足( 满足我的欲望 )。 然而,在以前的调查中,用法专题小组大多数成员所接受的anticipate 的意思是.预感、预知.和.期望.。 可是,unanticipated 这个词并不能作为 unexpected 的同义词。 这样一来,用法专题小组中77%的人都不同意下面这句话他们总是额外留出一些食物给未预料到的客人 , 既然已提前为这些客人们准备了食物,就不能说他们是未预料的,尽管他们是不速之客