distressed是什么意思 distressed在线中文翻译



a. 痛苦的, 哀伤的
be distressed about sth


动词 distress:

  1. cause mental pain to同义词:distress

形容词 distressed:

  1. facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty同义词:hard-pressed, hard put, in a bad way
  2. generalized feeling of distress同义词:dysphoric, unhappy
  3. suffering severe physical strain or distress同义词:stressed, in a bad way
  4. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief同义词:disquieted, disturbed, upset, worried


  1. I was most distressed to hear the sad news of your father's death.我听到你父亲去世的噩耗,十分难过。
  2. The sick man showed signs of distress.那个生病的男人表现出痛苦的迹象。
  3. What are you looking so distressed for?什么事情使你看起来如此烦恼?
  4. Causing irritation or distress; vexatious.烦人的令人发怒或苦恼的; 令人烦恼的
  5. A loud, distressing noise.吵闹声大的,令人痛苦的声音


adj.(形容词)Suffering distress:痛苦的,苦恼的,忧虑的:例句:the distressed parents of wayward youths.为任性的年轻人而苦恼的双亲
Damaged or previously used:受损的,以前用过的:例句:distressed merchandise.已经用过的商品
Having been foreclosed and offered for sale, usually at a price below market value:廉价出售的,贱卖的:预先处理并出售,通常低于市场价:例句:distressed real estate.廉价的不动产
Intentionally marred or faded to convey an antique or a used look:仿古磨损的:故意磨损或折叠使具有古风的呈现过去的样子:例句:distressed furniture; distressed denim.仿古磨损的家具;仿旧磨损的斜纹布