assimilation是什么意思 assimilation在线中文翻译



n. 同化, 同化作用, 吸收
【化】 同化; 同化作用
【医】 同化[作用]
【经】 吸收


名词 assimilation:

  1. the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family
  2. the social process of absorbing one cultural group into harmony with another同义词:absorption
  3. the process of absorbing nutrients into the body after digestion同义词:absorption
  4. a linguistic process by which a sound becomes similar to an adjacent sound
  5. the process of assimilating new ideas into an existing cognitive structure同义词:acculturation
  6. in the theories of Jean Piaget: the application of a general schema to a particular instance


  1. Assimilation of ideas or information; understanding.领悟将意见或信息同化吸收; 理解
  2. The assimilation of some foods is more easily than that of others.有些食物的吸收比另一些更容易。
  3. The assimilation of people in USA is common.在美国,人的同化很普遍。

The act or process of assimilating.同化:吸收的行为或过程The state of being assimilated.同化:处于被同化的状态Physiology The conversion of nutriments into living tissue; constructive metabolism.【生理学】 同化作用:把营养结构转变成活组织;组织性新陈代谢Linguistics The process by which a sound is modified so that it becomes similar or identical to an adjacent or nearby sound. For example, the prefixin- becomes im- in impossible by assimilation to the labial p of possible. 【语言学】 同化过程:改进一发音使相近或临近的音转为相似音或相同音的过程。例如前缀in- 变成 im- ,如在 impossible 里被 possible 里的唇音 p 所同化 The process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture.同化:少数人群体逐渐接受盛行的文化的风俗和态度的过程