historian是什么意思 historian在线中文翻译



n. 历史学家, 记事者


名词 historian:

  1. a person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it同义词:historiographer


  1. Norwegian pacifist and historian. He shared the1921 Nobel Peace Prize for his work as secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(1909-1933).兰格,多罗西雅1895-1965美国摄影师,以拍摄经济大萧条期间农业工人的纪实性照片而深入人心
  2. The historian search for primary source of information about the past.历史学家寻找有关过去的原始资料来源。
  3. British jurist and historian noted for his many works on the history of English law.梅特兰,弗雷德里克·威廉1850-1906英国法学家和历史学家,以其众多记述英国法律历史的著作而著称
  4. Historians advise that we should never forget the past.历史学家们告诫我们,我们不应忘记过去。


n.Abbr. hist.(名词)缩写 hist.A writer, student, or scholar of history.历史学家:研究历史的学生、学者或写历史题材的作家One who writes or compiles a chronological record of events; a chronicler:编史家:按照年代编写历史的人;编史家:例句:.The historian, registering the facts beyond doubt, and in their context, cannot but also judge.(Robert Conquest).历史学家记录那些不容置疑的事实,但对此也只能在具体情况下作出判断.(罗伯特·康奎斯特)