greyhound是什么意思 greyhound在线中文翻译



n. 快速船


名词 greyhound:

  1. a tall slender dog of an ancient breed noted for swiftness and keen sight; used as a racing dog


  1. Any of a breed of swift, short-haired dog developed in England for racing, resembling the greyhound but smaller.小灵狗一种敏捷、短毛的狗,培育于英国为比赛而用,与灵相似但体型要小一些
  2. A dog of an old breed developed in Scotland, related to and resembling the greyhound but taller and larger and having a wiry coat. It was originally bred for hunting deer.猎鹿犬苏格兰培育的一个古老品种的猎犬,形态象灵提,但较高较大,有一身硬直的皮毛,最初常用于猎鹿
  3. Greyhound can run very fast.灰狗跑得很快。


n.(名词)Any of a breed of tall, slender dogs, having a smooth coat, a narrow head, and long legs and capable of running swiftly.灵:任一种身高细长的狗,皮光滑,头窄,腿长,善快跑
来源:Middle English grehound 中古英语 grehound from Old English groghund 源自 古英语 groghund grog [gray] grog [灰色的] hund [hound] * see hound hund [猎狗] *参见 hound