honors是什么意思 honors在线中文翻译



n. 优等成绩, (英)优等成绩奖金, 给予优等生的荣誉, 荣誉标志


名词 honor:

  1. a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction同义词:award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels
  2. the state of being honored同义词:honor, honour, laurels
  3. the quality of being honorable and having a good name同义词:honor, honour
  4. a woman's virtue or chastity同义词:honor, honour, purity, pureness

动词 honor:

  1. bestow honor or rewards upon同义词:honor, honour, reward
  2. show respect towards同义词:respect, honor, honour, abide by, observe
  3. accept as pay同义词:honor, honour


  1. Something that honors or preserves the memory of another.纪念对另一事进行纪念或保存记忆的某事
  2. During the postwar years in Germany, many honors were given to Einstein.在战后的岁月里,爱因斯坦在德国得到了很多荣誉。
  3. A fair death honors the whole life.[谚]死得其所,流芳百世。