freeze是什么意思 freeze在线中文翻译



vi. 冻结, 冷冻, 僵硬, 楞住
vt. 使结冰, 使冻住, 使呆住
n. 结冰, 凝固
【计】 冻结
【化】 凝固
【经】 冻结
freeze sb out
freeze sb's blood
freeze up
freeze on to sth
freeze to sth
freeze over


动词过去式:froze 过去分词:frozen 现在分词:freezing 第三人称单数:freezes 形容词:freezable 


名词 freeze:

  1. the withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a solid同义词:freezing
  2. weather cold enough to cause freezing同义词:frost
  3. an interruption or temporary suspension of progress or movement同义词:halt
  4. fixing (of prices or wages etc) at a particular level

动词 freeze:

  1. change to ice
  2. stop moving or become immobilized同义词:stop dead
  3. be cold
  4. cause to freeze
  5. stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it同义词:suspend
  6. be very cold, below the freezing point
  7. change from a liquid to a solid when cold同义词:freeze out, freeze down
  8. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)同义词:block, immobilize, immobilise
  9. anesthetize by cold
  10. suddenly behave coldly and formally


  1. The sight of the masked gunman made my blood freeze.我一看见那个持枪的蒙面人就吓得浑身冰凉。
  2. Ann froze with terror as the door opened silently.门一声不响地开了,把安吓呆了。
  3. It may freeze tonight, so make sure the plants are covered.今晚大概会有霜冻,一定要把花草都遮盖好。
  4. Some fruits don't freeze well at all.有些水果根本就不能冷藏。
  5. We ate some of the fruits and froze the rest.我们吃了一些水果,把剩下的冷藏起来。
  6. The thief froze when he heard the footsteps approaching.小偷听到走近的脚步声,吓得呆住了。
  7. Water freezes at the temperature of 0 degrees Celsius.水在摄氏零度结冰。


v.(动词)froze[frôz] fro.zen[frô.z…n], v.intr.(不及物动词)
To pass from the liquid to the solid state by loss of heat.凝固:通过失去热量而从液体状态转为固体状态To acquire a surface or coat of ice from cold:结冰:由于冷而产生表层或外层的冰:例句:The lake froze over in January. Bridges freeze before the adjacent roads.一月份此湖被冻住。桥比附近的路早冻住
To become clogged or jammed because of the formation of ice:(由于结冰)而阻塞或堵住:例句:The pipes froze in the basement.地下室里的水管因结冰而不通
To be at that degree of temperature at which ice forms:达到冰点:达到冰形成时的温度:例句:It may freeze tonight.今晚可能结冰
To be killed or harmed by cold or frost:冻伤,冻死:由于冷或冰冻而被冻死或伤害:例句:They almost froze to death. Mulch keeps garden plants from freezing.他们几乎要冻死了。护根物使花园里的植物免于被冻死
To be or feel uncomfortably cold:极度寒冷:变得或感到不舒适的寒冷:例句:Aren`t you freezing without a coatô你不穿外套,难道不感到很冷吗ô
To become fixed, stuck, or attached by or as if by frost:固定住,卡住:被或仿佛被冰冻所固定、粘住或连接:例句:The lock froze up with rust.锁因生锈而卡住了
To become motionless or immobile, as from surprise or attentiveness:楞住,吓住:(如因惊奇或注意)变得不运动或静止:例句:I heard a sound and froze in my tracks.我听到一种声音而吓得停下了脚步
To become unable to act or react, as from fear:惊呆住:如因恐惧而不能行动或反应:例句:froze in front of the audience.在观众面前吓呆了
To become icily silent in manner:态度变得冷淡沉默:例句:froze at the rebuke.冷对责难
To become rigid and inflexible; solidify:不知变通:变得僵硬并不可动摇;僵化:例句:an opinion that froze into dogma.僵硬到教条之地步的主张及物动词)
To convert into ice.使结冰To cause ice to form upon.使冰按…形成To cause to congeal or stiffen from extreme cold:使冻僵:由于极冷使凝固或僵硬:例句:winter cold that froze the ground.冻僵地面的冬天的寒冷
To preserve (foods, for example) by subjecting to freezing temperatures.冷藏(食物):在结冰的温度内保存(食物)To damage, kill, or make inoperative by cold or by the formation of ice.冻坏,冻死,冻僵:通过寒冷或冰的形成而引起破坏、冻死或使不起作用To make very cold; chill.使变得极冷;感到冷To immobilize, as with fear or shock.吓呆:如由于恐惧或震惊使不能动To chill with an icy or formal manner:以冰冷态度使寒心:例句:froze me with one look.这一瞥使我感到心寒
To stop the motion or progress of:使停顿:中断…的运动或过程:例句:The negotiations were frozen by the refusal of either side to compromise.由于双方拒绝妥协,谈判被中断了
To fix (prices or wages, for example) at a given or current level.稳定,冻结:使(如物价或工资)固定在一个既定或现行的标准上To prohibit further manufacture or use of.禁止进一步生产或使用…To prevent or restrict the exchange, withdrawal, liquidation, or granting of by governmental action:冻结资产:政府采取措施阻止或限制…的交换、撤消、清算或转渡:例句:freeze investment loans during a depression; froze foreign assets held by U.S. banks.经济萧条时期冻结投资贷款;冻结美国银行所持有的国外资产
To capture or preserve a likeness of, as on film.抓取并保存(如电影中的)的图象
To photograph (a subject) in mid-action so as to produce a still image.照相:为产生静止的影象而给运动中的(某物体)照相To stop (a moving film) at a particular image.使定格:在某个特别的图象出现时,中断(正在放映的电影)To anesthetize by chilling.用冷冻法麻醉Sports To keep possession of (a ball or puck) so as to deny an opponent the opportunity to score.【体育运动】 控(球)而不给对方得分机会n.(名词)
The act of freezing.冻结:冻结的动作The state of being frozen.冰冻:使冻结的状态A spell of cold weather; a frost.冰冻期:天气寒冷的时期;严寒期A restriction that forbids a quantity from rising above a given or current level:(物价等)冻结:禁止数量超出既定或现行标准的限制:例句:a freeze on city jobs; a proposed freeze on the production of nuclear weapons.城市工作的冻结;关于核武器生产的冻结计划
<常用词组>freeze out
To shut out or exclude, as by cold or unfriendly treatment:排挤:以冷淡或不友好的对待加以排挤:例句:The others tried to freeze me out of the conversation.其他人试图将我排挤在谈话之外
常用词组><习惯用语>freeze (someone`s) blood
To affect with terror or dread; horrify:以恐怖或死亡影响;使恐怖:例句:a scream that froze my blood.使我毛骨悚然的尖叫
习惯用语>来源:Middle English fresen 中古英语 fresen from Old English frôosan * see preus- 源自 古英语 frôosan *参见 preus-