heroic是什么意思 heroic在线中文翻译



a. 英勇的, 英雄式的, 壮丽雄伟的
n. 英雄诗, 史诗, 英勇行为


名词:heroicalness 副词:heroically 


bold, brave, courageous, daring, heroic, fearless
bold: 侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。
brave: 含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。
courageous: 正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。
daring: 强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。
heroic: 正式用词,多指在战争或重大危险时,为他人为事业忘我献身的英雄气概。
fearless: 语气肯定,侧重在危险时无所畏惧,毫无动摇。


名词 heroic:

  1. a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter同义词:heroic verse, heroic meter

形容词 heroic:

  1. very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)同义词:epic, larger-than-life
  2. relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity
  3. having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes同义词:heroical
  4. of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope同义词:expansive, grand
  5. showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort同义词:desperate


  1. Odysseus's heroic exploits are celebrated in The Odyssey'.《奥德赛》史诗中歌颂了奥德修斯的丰功伟绩。
  2. The newspapers glorified their heroic deeds.报纸称颂了他们的英雄事迹。
  3. I do not know this heroic name.我不知道这位英雄的名字。
  4. Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty.许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
  5. Heroic characteristics or qualities; courage.英雄品质,英勇英雄的特征或品质; 英勇
  6. Saving the child's life was a heroic act.抢救那孩子的生命是英勇的行为。


adj.also (形容词) 也作 heroical
Of, relating to, or resembling the heroes of literature, legend, or myth.英雄的:文学、传说或神话中的英雄的,类似这样的英雄的Having, displaying, or characteristic of the qualities appropriate to a hero; courageous:英勇的,无畏的:具有、显示或有与英雄品质相称的特征的;无畏的:例句:heroic deeds.英勇事迹
Impressive in size or scope; grand:异常大的:大小或范围很大的;宏大的:例句:heroic undertakings.宏大的事业
Of a size or scale that is larger than life:大于真人或实物的:大小或规模大于真人或实物的:例句:heroic sculpture.大于实物的雕像
n.(名词)A line of heroic verse.一行英雄诗heroics Melodramatic behavior or language: heroics 豪言壮语,豪情:豪壮的行为或语言:例句:.We trust the House . . . will come up with answers without all the political heroics.(Atlanta Constitution).我们相信议院…将会给我们不带丝毫政治豪言壮语的答复.(亚特兰大宪法报)