heel是什么意思 heel在线中文翻译



n. 脚后跟, 踵, 后部, 倾侧
vt. 尾随, 装以鞋跟, 倾侧, 追赶
vi. 紧随, 用脚后跟传球
【医】 [足]跟
keep to heel
to heel
follow sb to heel
turn on one's heel
under the heel of
at heel
close at heel
bring sb to heel
come to heel
cop a heel


动词过去式:heeled 过去分词:heeled 现在分词:heeling 第三人称单数:heels 


名词 heel:

  1. the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground and provides elevation
  2. the back part of the human foot
  3. someone who is morally reprehensible同义词:cad, bounder, blackguard, dog, hound
  4. one of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread
  5. the lower end of a ship's mast
  6. (golf) the part of the clubhead where it joins the shaft

动词 heel:

  1. tilt to one side同义词:list
  2. follow at the heels of a person
  3. perform with the heels
  4. strike with the heel of the club
  5. put a new heel on同义词:reheel


  1. I only wear high heels on special occasions.我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。
  2. The police were on our heels.警察紧追着我们。
  3. I'm just kicking my heels until the beginning of the new term.新学期开学前,我一直无所事事。


The rounded posterior portion of the human foot under and behind the ankle.踵,脚跟:人踝关节后下部分的脚的后部呈圆形的部分The corresponding part of the hind foot of other vertebrates.后肢蹄踵,蹄的后部:其它脊椎动物后腿相应的部位A similar anatomical part, such as the fleshy rounded base of the human palm or the hind toe of a bird.踵状物:一个类似的组织部分,如人类手掌的圆形回基部分或者鸟类的后脚趾部分
The part, as of a sock, shoe, or stocking, that covers the rounded posterior portion of the human foot.(鞋、袜等物)的后跟:袜子或鞋的盖住人类脚部圆形后半部的部分The built-up portion of a shoe or boot, supporting the heel.鞋后跟:鞋或靴支撑脚跟部分的组合部分One of the crusty ends of a loaf of bread.面包头:一条长包面的两个硬端之一Nautical 【航海】 The lower end of a mast.桅脚,桅跟:船桅下面一端The after end of a ship`s keel.龙骨后端
A lower, rearward surface, as of the head of a golf club where it joins the shaft.尾端部位:高尔夫球棍头上和杆相连的弯头Music The end of a violin bow where the handle is located.【音乐】 弓尾端:小提琴琴弓末端与琴把的连接处Botany The basal end of a plant cutting or tuber used in propagation.【植物学】 踵:用于繁殖植物的块茎或其他部分的基部Oppression; tyranny:压迫;暴政:例句:under the heel of Stalinism; the heel of an autocrat.斯大林主义暴政之下;独裁者的专制统治
Informal A dishonorable man; a cad.【非正式用语】 名声不佳的人:卑鄙的家伙;无赖v.(动词)heeled,heel.ing,heels v.tr.(及物动词)
To furnish with a heel or heels.做鞋跟:给…钉后掌或后跟To repair or replace the heels, as for shoes.修鞋跟:修理或更换鞋后跟或后掌Slang To furnish, especially with money.【俚语】 提供金钱:提供,尤指金钱方面To arm (a gamecock) with gaffs.给(斗鸡)装距铁To press or strike with the heel:用后跟踢:用脚后跟挤压或敲击:例句:heel a horse.踢马
v.intr.(不及物动词)To follow at one`s heels:尾随:例句:The dog won`t heel.那狗不会紧跟不舍
<习惯用语>down at the heels
Having one`s shoe heels worn down.磨损的:鞋跟穿掉了的Shabby; rundown; poor.褴褛的:衣衫褴褛的;邋遢的;贫穷的lay by the heels
To put in fetters or shackles; imprison.逮捕:给某人戴上镣铐;把某人逮捕入狱on the heels of 或
upon the heels of
Directly behind.跟随的:径直跟在后面的Immediately following.紧随其后的out at the heel 或
out at the heels
Having holes in one`s socks or shoes.鞋袜上有洞Run-down; shabby; seedy.褴褛的:衣衫褴褛的;邋遢的;肮脏破烂的take to (one`s) heels
To run away; flee.逃走:逃走;滑脚溜走to heel
Close behind.紧紧在后Under discipline or control.顺从:受控制,就范习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English la 源自 古英语 la

heel 2
v.intr.tr.(不及物动词和及物动词)heeled,heel.ing,heels To tilt or cause to tilt to one side.倾斜,使侧倾:向一边倾斜或使向一边倾斜n.(名词)A tilt, as of a boat, to one side.倾侧,倾侧度:向一边的倾斜,如一条船
来源:Alteration of Middle English helden 中古英语 helden的变化 from Old English hieldan 源自 古英语 hieldan