heaven是什么意思 heaven在线中文翻译



n. 天堂, 上帝, 天空
move heaven and earth
under heaven
go to heaven
Heaven forbid
Heaven knows
in heaven


名词 heaven:

  1. any place of complete bliss and delight and peace同义词:Eden, paradise, Nirvana, promised land, Shangri-la
  2. the abode of God and the angels


  1. It was the will of Heaven.这是天意。
  2. Sitting here with you is heaven.跟你一起坐在这里,其乐无穷。
  3. Just give him a bucket and spade and he's in seventh heaven!只要给他一个桶子和一把铲子,他就高兴极了!
  4. Rain fell from the heavens all day long.整天都下著雨。
  5. If that's the way he treats his friends, heaven help his enemies!假若这就是他的待友之道,那他的敌人可就更遭殃了!
  6. She was in heaven when he kissed her.他吻她时,她飘飘欲仙了。
  7. If there's a heaven on earth, this is it!人间若有天堂,非此莫属!
  8. The house is a little heaven.这所房子是一个小乐园。


n.(名词)Often heavens The sky or universe as seen from Earth; the firmament. 常作 heavens 天,天空:从地球上所见之天空或宇宙;苍穹
Often Heaven The abode of God, the angels, and the souls of those who are granted salvation. 常作 Heaven 天国,天堂:上帝,天使及那些得到拯救的灵魂的居所An eternal state of communion with God; everlasting bliss.极乐:与上帝意念和谐的永恒状态;永恒的幸福
Heaven God: Heaven 上帝,上天:例句:Heaven help you!愿上帝帮助你!
heavens Used in various phrases to express surprise: heavens 嗳呀,天哪:用在各种短语中表示惊讶:例句:Good heavens!天哪!
Often heavens The celestial powers; the gods: 常作 heavens 众天神;众天使:例句:The heavens favored the young prince.众天神都宠爱这位年轻的王子
A condition or place of great happiness, delight, or pleasure:极乐,极乐之地:极大的快乐、高兴、愉快的状态或地方:例句:The lake was heaven.该湖是个极乐之地
<习惯用语>move heaven and earth
To do everything possible to bring about something desired.竭尽全力,千方百计:做每一种可能的事以便获得想要的某种东西习惯用语>来源:Middle English heven 中古英语 heven from Old English heofon * see ak- 源自 古英语 heofon *参见 ak-