hateful是什么意思 hateful在线中文翻译



a. 憎恨的, 可恨的, 可恶的


名词:hatefulness 副词:hatefully 


形容词 hateful:

  1. evoking or deserving hatred- Joseph Priestly
  2. characterized by malice同义词:mean


  1. Ironing shirts is a hateful job.熨衬衫是件讨厌的工作。
  2. The sight of food was hateful to the seasick girl.那个晕船的女孩看到食物就感到厌恶。


adj.(形容词)Eliciting or deserving hatred.引起憎恨的,憎恶的Feeling or showing hatred; malevolent.憎恨的:感觉显示仇恨的;充满憎恨的
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>hateful,detestable,odious,obnoxious,offensive,repellent同义词>These adjectives, which are often interchangeable, describe what elicits or deserves strong dislike, distaste, or revulsion:这些通常可以转换的形容词描述了一种引起或注定获得的强烈不满、厌恶或讨厌: Hateful refers to what evokes hatred or deep animosity: Hateful 指激起厌恶或深深的敌意: 例句:.No vice is universally as hateful as ingratitude. (Joseph Priestley)..没有什么邪恶象贪婪那样令人憎恶. (约瑟夫·普里斯特利)。
Detestable applies to what arouses abhorrence or scorn: Detestable 指引起鄙视或痛恨: 例句:detestable crimes;可憎的罪行;
例句:a detestable occupation. Somethingodious is the object of disgust, aversion, or intense displeasure: 可恶的职业。 Odious 形容引起厌恶、反对或不愉快的物体:
例句:.a kind of slimy stuff . . . of a most nauseous, odious smell. (Daniel Defoe); .一种发出恶心的、令人作呕的粘性的物质. (丹尼尔·笛福);
例句:.consequences odious to those you govern. (Edmund Burke)..对你统治的那些人来说的一种可憎的结局. (埃德蒙得·伯克)。
Obnoxious is applied to something that is very objectionable: Obnoxious 指令人非常憎恶的或反对的: 例句:.I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. (Ulysses S. Grant)..我没有办法能象他们那样有效地撤销坏的或令人讨厌的法律的指控. (尤利西斯·S·格兰特)。
Offensive applies to what offends or excites displeasure: Offensive 指冒犯的或使人不快的: 例句:offensive behavior;大吵大闹的无礼行为;
例句:an offensive suggestion. Somethingrepellent arouses repugnance or disgust: 富有攻击性的建议。 Repellent 形容引起反感或令人讨厌的事物:
例句:I find his obsequiousness repellent. 我发现他令人生厌的谄媚。