hose是什么意思 hose在线中文翻译



n. 水管, 橡皮软管, 长统袜
vt. 用水管浇
【化】 胶管


动词过去式:hosed 过去分词:hosed 现在分词:hosing 第三人称单数:hoses 名词复数:hose 


名词 hose:

  1. socks and stockings and tights collectively (the British include underwear)同义词:hosiery
  2. man's close-fitting garment of the 16th and 17th centuries covering the legs and reaching up to the waist; worn with a doublet
  3. a flexible pipe for conveying a liquid or gas同义词:hosepipe

动词 hose:

  1. water with a hose同义词:hose down


  1. Unreel the hose fully before use.把水龙完全展开再使用。
  2. On Sundays, he washes his car down with the garden hose.每逢星期天,他就用花园里的水管把汽车冲洗干净。
  3. The stables were sluiced out with water from a hose.马厩已经用水管子冲洗过了。
  4. The rubber hose is playing out.卷着的橡皮软管正在放开。
  5. This fire hose is about sixty feet long.这段消防水管大约有60 英尺长。


n.(名词)【复数】 hose 或 hos.es pl. hose Stockings; socks. Used only in the plural.【复数】 hose 长筒袜;短袜(只用于复数形式)pl. hose 【复数】 hose Close-fitting breeches or leggings reaching up to the hips and fastened to a doublet, formerly worn by men. Used only in the plural.男式紧身裤:昔日男用的一种紧身短裤或者裹腿,穿至臀部并与紧身上衣系在一起(只用于复数形式)Breeches reaching down to the knees. Used only in the plural.齐膝短裤:长及膝盖的短裤(只用于复数形式)pl. hos.es A flexible tube for conveying liquids or gases under pressure.【复数】 hos.es 软管:易弯曲的管子,在压力之下能输送液体或气体v.tr.(及物动词)hosed,hos.ing,hos.es To water, drench, or wash with a hose:用软管浇、淋或洗:例句:hosed down the deck; hosed off the dog.用软管冲洗甲板;用软管把狗浇走
Slang To attack and kill (someone), typically by use of a firearm:【俚语】 攻击或杀死(某人),特别是使用武器:例句:hosed the enemy trooper.射杀敌兵
来源:Middle English [a stocking] 中古英语 [长筒袜] from Old English hosa [leg covering] * see (s)keu- 源自 古英语 hosa [裹腿] *参见 (s)keu-