hook是什么意思 hook在线中文翻译



n. 钩, 钩状, 镰刀, 陷阱
vt. 挂...于钩上, 钩住, 引上钩, 偷窃
vi. 弯成钩状, 钩紧
【计】 钩
【化】 钩
【医】 钩
sling one's hook
get the hook
go on the hook for
hook in
hook it
hook line and sinker
hook on to
hook up
on one's own hook
on the hook


动词过去式:hooked 过去分词:hooked 现在分词:hooking 第三人称单数:hooks 


名词 hook:

  1. a catch for locking a door
  2. a sharp curve or crook; a shape resembling a hook同义词:crotchet
  3. anything that serves as an enticement同义词:bait, come-on, lure, sweetener
  4. a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something同义词:claw
  5. a curved or bent implement for suspending or pulling something
  6. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer同义词:draw, hooking
  7. a short swinging punch delivered from the side with the elbow bent
  8. a basketball shot made over the head with the hand that is farther from the basket同义词:hook shot

动词 hook:

  1. fasten with a hook
  2. rip off; ask an unreasonable price同义词:overcharge, soak, surcharge, gazump, fleece, plume, pluck, rob
  3. make a piece of needlework by interlocking and looping thread with a hooked needle同义词:crochet
  4. hit a ball and put a spin on it so that it travels to the left
  5. take by theft同义词:snitch, thieve, cop, knock off, glom
  6. make off with belongings of others同义词:pilfer, cabbage, purloin, pinch, abstract, snarf, swipe, sneak, filch, nobble, lift
  7. hit with a hook
  8. catch with a hook
  9. to cause (someone or oneself) to become dependent (on something, especially a narcotic drug)同义词:addict
  10. secure with the foot
  11. entice and trap同义词:snare
  12. approach with an offer of sexual favors同义词:solicit, accost


  1. The bait hides the hook.[谚]饵中必有诈。
  2. The bbc is hooked up with Australian television by satellite.英国广播公司通过卫星与澳大利亚电视实行联播。
  3. He left the phone off the hook so that he wouldn't be disturbed.他不把电话听筒挂上,以免受到打扰。
  4. Please hang your coat on the hook.请把你的外衣挂在钩上。
  5. Please hook the rope over the nail.请把绳子挂在那根钉子上。
  6. They took the phone off the hook so no calls would disturb them.他们摘下电话听筒,以免电话打扰他们。


A curved or sharply bent device, usually of metal, used to catch, drag, suspend, or fasten something else.钩:呈曲线形或急剧弯曲的金属装置,用于抓、拉、挂或固定其他东西A fishhook.鱼钩Something shaped like a hook, especially:钩状物,尤指:A curved or barbed plant or animal part.弯曲部分,有钩部分:曲线形或长倒刺的动植物部分A short angled or curved line on a letter.字母弯曲之处:字母上的曲线或带角度的短线A sickle.镰刀
A sharp bend or curve, as in a river.河湾:河流的陡弯或急转弯A point or spit of land with a sharply curved end.钩状岬:一片尖状或狭长的陆地,一头急剧弯曲A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap.陷阱:捕捉或诱捕的方式;圈套Slang 【俚语】 A means of attracting interest or attention; an enticement:诱惑物:吸引人们兴趣或注意力的方式;引诱手段:例句:a sales hook.吸引购买的手段
Music A catchy motif or refrain:【音乐】 符尾:好听上口的主调或结尾重复:例句:.sugary hard rock melodies[and] ear candy hooks. (Boston Globe).甜美的重金属旋律 动听的符尾. (波士顿环球)
Sports 【体育运动】 A short swinging blow in boxing delivered with a crooked arm.钩拳:拳击运动以弯曲的手臂打击的短而摆动的一拳A golf stroke that sends the ball to the left of a right-handed player or to the right of a left-handed player.曲线击球:在高尔夫球运动中右手持棒者向左的击球或左手持棒者向右的击球In surfing, the lip of a breaking wave.浪峰:冲浪运动中一个大波浪的浪尖Baseball A curve ball.【棒球】 曲线球Basketball A hook shot.【篮球】 钩手投篮v.(动词)hooked,hook.ing,hooks v.tr.(及物动词)
To catch, suspend, or connect with a hook.钩:用钩子抓、吊或连接Informal To snare.【非正式用语】 诱捕,引诱Slang To steal; snatch.See Synonyms at steal 【俚语】 偷;攫取参见 stealTo fasten by or as if by a hook.钩住:用钩或似乎用钩连接To pierce or gore with or as if with a hook.钩破,钩穿:用钩或似乎用钩刺穿或划破Slang 【俚语】 To take strong hold of; captivate:牢牢抓住;吸引:例句:a novel that hooked me on the very first page.从第一页起就牢牢吸引我的小说
To cause to become addicted.使上瘾To make (a rug) by looping yarn through canvas with a type of hook.编织,钩编:用一种钩子把毛线穿织在网形粗布上制成(地毯)Sports 【体育运动】 To hit with a hook in boxing.以钩拳击中To hit (a golf ball) in a hook.曲线击出(高尔夫球)Baseball To pitch (a ball) with a curve.【棒球】 投曲线球Basketball To shoot (a ball) in a hook shot.【篮球】 投钩射球v.intr.(不及物动词)To bend like a hook.弯成钩状To fasten by means of a hook or a hook and eye.用钩或钩眼扣固定Slang To work as a prostitute.【俚语】 当妓女
<常用词组>hook up
To assemble or wire (a mechanism).装配或接通(机械)To connect a mechanism and a source of power.装置电源:把机械和某种能源连接起来Slang To form a tie or connection:【俚语】 勾结:形成某种联系或纽带:例句:hooked up with the wrong crowd.与一帮坏人勾结在一起
常用词组><习惯用语>by hook or by crook
By whatever means possible, fair or unfair.不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段get the hook【俚语】
To be unceremoniously dismissed or terminated.被非正式地解雇或中止工作hook, line, and sinker【非正式用语】
Without reservation; completely:无保留地;完全地:例句:swallowed the excuse hook, line, and sinker.完全相信了这个借口
off the hook【非正式用语】
Freed, as from blame or a vexatious obligation:脱身:免于责备或烦人的责任:例句:let me off the hook with a mild reprimand.温和地责备后便放过了我
on (one`s) own hook
By one`s own efforts.独立地:凭借自身的努力习惯用语>来源:Middle English hok 中古英语 hok from Old English c * see keg- 源自 古英语 c *参见 keg-