bootstrap是什么意思 bootstrap在线中文翻译



n. 解靴带
【计】 引导程序, 引导自举


动词过去式:bootstrapped 过去分词:bootstrapped 现在分词:bootstrapping 第三人称单数:bootstraps 


名词 bootstrap:

  1. a strap that is looped and sewn to the top of a boot for pulling it on

动词 bootstrap:

  1. help oneself, often through improvised means


  1. Conservatives would defy our efforts at bootstrap improvements.保守派会蔑视我们从根本上变革的努力。


n.(名词)A loop of leather, cloth, or synthetic material that is sewn at the side or the top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on.提靴带:一种由皮、布或人造原料制成的套环,缝在靴子的边上或后顶部,以助于穿靴Computer Science A subroutine used to establish the full routine or another routine.【计算机科学】 引导程序,引导指令:用来建立全部路径或另一路径的辅助程序及物动词)boot.strapped,,boot.straps To promote and develop by use of one`s own initiative and work without reliance on outside help:自立更生:通过运用某人自己的创造力去提高和发展,不依靠外部的帮助而工作:例句:.We`ve bootstrapped our way back with aggressive tourism and recruiting high tech industries.(John Corrigan).我们靠繁荣旅游业和引进高技术产业来开拓我们的道路.(约翰·科里根)
Computer Science To establish (a program) with a bootstrap.【计算机科学】 引导:运用辅助路径建(一个程序)adj.(形容词)Undertaken or accomplished with minimal outside resources or help.独立完成:用最小量外部的资源或帮助来承担或完成的Computer Science Being or relating to a process that is self-initiating or self-sustaining.【计算机科学】 自持过程:一个自产生或自持续的过程的
<习惯用语>by one`s (own) bootstraps
By one`s own efforts.通过某人自己的努力习惯用语>