hex是什么意思 hex在线中文翻译



n. 十六进制, 巫婆, 妖法
vt. 施魔法于
vi. 施魔法
【计】 十六进制
【化】 * (的简称); 六亚甲基四胺(的简称)


名词:hexer 动词过去式:hexed 过去分词:hexed 现在分词:hexing 第三人称单数:hexes 


名词 hex:

  1. an evil spell同义词:jinx, curse, whammy

动词 hex:

  1. cast a spell over someone or something; put a hex on someone or something同义词:bewitch, glamour, witch, enchant, jinx

形容词 hex:

  1. of or pertaining to a number system having 16 as its base同义词:hexadecimal


n.(名词)An evil spell; a curse.邪恶的符咒;诅咒One that brings bad luck.不祥之人:带来恶运的人v.tr.(及物动词)hexed,hex.ing,hex.es To put a hex on.施魔法于To bring or wish bad luck to:诅咒,蛊惑:带来或希望给某人恶运:例句:.Chilly evening weather and a chain of minor snafus seemed to hex the $5,000-a-seat gala on Governors Island.(Newsweek).寒冷的傍晚和一系列的小混乱似乎给在加弗纳斯岛举行的每个座位售价五千美元的盛会带来恶运.(新闻周刊)
来源:Pennsylvania Dutch 宾夕法尼亚荷兰语 from German hexen [to hex] 源自 德语 hexen [施魔法于] from Hexe [witch] 源自 Hexe [巫婆] from Middle High German hecse 源自 中古高地德语 hecse from Old High German hagzissa 源自 古高地德语 hagzissa
n.(名词)<注释>The wordhex is a good example of the sort of borrowing into English from other languages that occurred in the English-speaking former colonies of Great Britain. German and Swiss immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the late 7th and 8th centuries spoke a dialect of German known as Pennsylvania Dutch.In this dialecthexe was the equivalent of the German verb hexen, .to practice sorcery.. Our verbhex, first recorded in the sense .to practice witchcraft. in an 830 work called Annals of Philadelphia, is borrowed from Pennsylvania Dutch, as is our noun.单词hex 是从英帝国讲英语的前殖民地的其它语言中借用到英语中来的一个很好的例子。 7世纪晚期和8世纪,在美国宾夕法尼亚定居的德裔及瑞士移民讲一种称为宾夕法尼亚荷兰语的德语方言。在这种方言中,hexe 相当于德语动词 hexen ,意为.施魔术.。 我们用的动词hex 的最早记录出现在830年一部名为 费城年鉴 的作品中,意为.施魔术.。 该词是从宾夕法尼亚荷兰语中借用来的,名词也是同样从该方言中借来的注释>
hex 2
adj.(形容词)Hexagonal. Used of hardware.六角形的,用于指金属器具