Galileo是什么意思 Galileo在线中文翻译



n. 伽利略


名词 galileo:

  1. Italian astronomer and mathematician who was the first to use a telescope to study the stars; demonstrated that different weights descend at the same rate; perfected the refracting telescope that enabled him to make many discoveries (1564-1642)同义词:Galileo Galilei


  1. In his own lifetime Galileo was the centre of the controversy.伽利略在世之日一直是激烈的论战中心。
  2. One of the four brightest satellites of Jupiter and the eighth in distance from the planet. Originally sighted by Galileo, it is one of the largest satellites in the solar system.木卫三木星四颗最亮的卫星之一,距木星的远近程度是第八位。最早伽利略观察到,是太阳系最大的卫星之一
  3. Galileo demonstrated that objects of different weights fall at the same speed.伽利略证实不同重量的物体落下的速度相同。
  4. It didn't make much sense to Galileo to have different rules for motion on earth and in space.对伽利略来说,地球上和太空中有不同的运动法则是没有多大意义。