governor是什么意思 governor在线中文翻译



n. (美)州长, (英)总督, 统治者, 管理者, 理事
【医】 节制器, 调节器
【经】 州长


名词 governor:

  1. the head of a state government
  2. a control that maintains a steady speed in a machine (as by controlling the supply of fuel)同义词:regulator


  1. He established himself as governor of the province.他当上了省长。
  2. The governor decreed a day of mourning.地方长官发布哀悼一日的命令。
  3. He had been Governor of a British Protectorate.他做过英国保护领地的总督。
  4. The governor has been invested with full authority to act.总督已获全权进行处理。
  5. The keeper or governor of a castle.城堡守护人一个城堡的守护者或管理者
  6. The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province.总督中世纪德国边境省份的长官或军事统治者
  7. British colonies were ruled by governors.英国的殖民地由总督统治。
  8. He was elected governor of the state of California.他当选为加利弗尼亚州州长。

n.Abbr. gov.,Gov.(名词)缩写 gov.,Gov.A person who governs, especially:统治者:特指行使统治权的人The chief executive of a state in the United States.州长:美国一个州的主要行政长官An official appointed to govern a colony or territory.总督:被任命管辖一个殖民地或领地的官员A member of a governing body.官员:行政机构里的成员The manager or administrative head of an organization, a business, or an institution.管理者:一个组织,企业,公司或学院的首脑A military commandant.军事指挥官Chiefly British Used as a form of polite address for a man.【多用于英国】 先生:用作对男人的尊称A feedback device on a machine or an engine that is used to provide automatic control, as of speed, pressure, or temperature.调节器:在机器上或蒸汽机上一种反馈装置,用作对如速度、压力或温度实行自动控制
<注释>The American Revolution did away with much that was British,but it neglected to discard an important British political term.The wordgovernor certainly seems to denote a very American office, and England has no corresponding official with that title for its counties.Nonetheless,governor has had a long history in English with reference to political rulers. In Middle Englishgovernour, the ancestor of governor, meant both .a sovereign ruler. and .a subordinate or substitute ruler..In the later sense it was a natural term to use for heads of the British colonies in North America as well as elsewhere.During our colonial periodroyal governors were often unpopular,yet the word was not dropped after the Revolutionary Warand in fact was chosen to designate the executive head of a state when the United States of America was created.美国独立战争扫除了英国的许多东西,但却忽略了摒弃一个重要的英国政治术语。governor 这个单词肯定被看作是一个美国官方职务, 因为英国没有这样的官方职务。然而governor 作政权统治者含义在英国有很长的历史。 在中世纪的英语里,governourgovernor 的前身, 意思是.主权统治者.和.下一级统治者或代理统治者。.用后一个意思来指英国在北美的殖民地或其他地方的首脑是很贴切的。在美国殖民地时期,皇家总督不大为人所知,然而这个词在独立战争以后并没被废除,实际上它被用来指美国建国以后各州的州长了注释>