excel是什么意思 excel在线中文翻译



vt. 胜过, 优于, 擅长
vi. 胜过其他


动词过去式:excelled 过去分词:excelled 现在分词:excelling 第三人称单数:excels 


surpass, excel, exceed
surpass: 多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。
excel: 指在成绩、成就或学识上胜过他人。
exceed: 既可指超出权利、权力的限度、管辖范围,或超过规定的时间范围,又可指在数量、程度或大小等方面的超过。


动词 excel:

  1. distinguish oneself同义词:stand out, surpass


  1. They each excel in their respective fields.他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的。
  2. His wife excels him in strategically ability.他的妻子在战略上胜过他。
  3. He excels in painting.他擅长绘画。
  4. He excels all other composers of his period.他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家。


v.(动词)ex.celled,ex.cel.ling,ex.cels v.tr.(及物动词)To do or be better than; surpass.优于:比…好或做得优于;超过v.intr.(不及物动词)To show superiority; surpass others.胜过:显示优越性;超过其它的人或事物
来源:Middle English excellen 中古英语 excellen from Latin excellere * see kel- 2源自 拉丁语 excellere *参见 kel- 2
<参考词汇><同义词>excel,surpass,exceed,transcend,outdo,outstrip同义词>These verbs mean to be or go beyond a limit or standard.Toexcel is to be preeminent ( 这些动词意味着超过一种界限或标准。Excel 意思是超群的( 例句:excels at figure skating) or to be or perform at a level higher than that of another or others ( 擅长花样滑冰) 或者是处于或表现出比另一个或其他人高的水平(
例句:excelled her father as a lawyer). Tosurpass another is to be superior in performance, quality, or degree: 作为律师强过她的父亲)。 Surpass 意味着在表现、性质、程度等方面优于另外一个:
例句:is surpassed by few as a debater;作为一个很少有人能超过的辩才;
例句:happiness that surpassed description.难以形容的幸福。
Exceed can refer to being superior, as in quality ( Exceed 可以指在性质上优于( 例句:an invention that exceeds all others in ingenuity), to being greater than another, as in degree or quantity ( 在创造力方面胜过其它事物的一项发明), 在程度或性质方面比另外一个要好(
例句:a salary exceeding 50 thousand dollars a year), and to going beyond a proper limit ( 超过五万美元的年薪), 和超越正常的限度(
例句:exceed one`s authority;越权;
例句:exceed a speed limit). 超速)。
Transcend often implies the attainment of a level so high that comparison is hardly possible: Transcend 经常意味着达到如此高的水平以致于其它东西很难与其相比: 例句:Great art transcends mere rules of composition. Tooutdo is to excel in doing or performing: 伟大的艺术超越了创作规则。 Outdo 意味着在行动或实行上胜过:
例句:didn`t want to be outdone in generosity.不愿在慷慨大度方面被超过。
Outstrip is often interchangeable withoutdo but strongly suggests leaving another behind, as in a contest: Outstrip 经常和outdo 互换, 但在上下文中它更偏重于把另一个甩在后面这个意思: 例句:It is a case of the student outstripping the teacher. 这是一个学生超过老师的例子。