glance是什么意思 glance在线中文翻译



n. 一瞥, 闪光, 掠过, 辉矿类
vi. 扫视, 闪光, 掠过, 提到, 略说
vt. 扫视, 反射, 使掠过
at a glance
take a glance at...
have a glance at...
glance at...


动词过去式:glanced 过去分词:glanced 现在分词:glancing 第三人称单数:glances 


glance, stare, glare
glance: 意为“匆匆一瞥”,是不及物动词,其后必须接介词at, over等才可以接宾语。
  • he glanced at his watch.
  • she glanced down the list of names.

stare: 意为“凝视”,它也是一个不及物动词,其后通常接介词at才能接宾语。
  • she stared at him in surprise.
  • he was staring out to the sea.

glare: 意为“怒视;瞪眼”,也是不及物动词,其后要接介词at后才能接宾语。
  • they stood glaring at each other.


名词 glance:

  1. a quick look同义词:glimpse, coup d'oeil

动词 glance:

  1. throw a glance at; take a brief look at同义词:peek, glint
  2. rebound after hitting同义词:carom


  1. She glanced round the room before she left.她略微环视了一下房间才离开。
  2. He gave her an admiring glance.他向她投以敬慕的一瞥。
  3. The glasses glanced and twinkled in the firelight.杯子在炉火照耀下闪闪发亮。


v.(动词)glanced,, v.intr.(不及物动词)
To direct the gaze briefly:粗略地看一下:例句:glance at the menu; glanced in the rearview mirror.粗略地看了一下菜单;扫了一下反视镜
To move rapidly from one thing to another. Used of the eyes.扫视:迅速从一件东西转向另一件东西,用于眼睛To shine briefly; glint.See Synonyms at flash 闪微光;闪烁参见 flashTo strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected:掠过,擦过:以一定角度斜击某一表面:例句:A pebble glanced off the windshield.See Synonyms at brush 一颗小石子擦过挡风玻璃参见 brush
To make a passing reference; touch briefly:随便提到;简略地触及:例句:a history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict.一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课及物动词)To strike (a surface) at an angle; graze:使擦过,使掠过:以一个角度击(一表面);使擦过:例句:The arrow glanced the target but didn`t stick.箭轻擦过目标但是却没有固定住
To cause to strike a surface at an angle:擦过:使以一个角度击打一表面:例句:glanced a stone off the wall.使一块石头擦过墙壁
n.(名词)A brief or cursory look:浏览:粗略的或仓促的看:例句:gave the paper a glance before breakfast.在早餐之前浏览一下报纸
A quick flash of light; a gleam.光的极快闪烁;闪光An oblique movement following impact; a deflection:歪斜,一掠:带来冲击的倾斜运动;歪斜,偏斜:例句:The car struck the barrier and went off at a glance.汽车撞上了栏杆并斜冲了出去
<习惯用语>at first glance
On initial consideration:在最初考虑上:例句:At first glance the plan seemed unworkable.乍一看此计划好象不可行
习惯用语>来源:Middle English glauncen 中古英语 glauncen alteration influenced by glenten [to shine] * see ghel- 2 受 glenten的影响 [闪烁] *参见 ghel- 2of glacen glacen的变化 from Old French glacer [to slide] * see glacis 源自 古法语 glacer [滑,滑过] *参见 glacis

glance 2
n.(名词)Any of various minerals that have a brilliant luster:硫化矿物:一种含有丰富的硫的矿物:例句:silver glance.银硫
来源:German Glanz 德语 Glanz from Middle High German glanz 源自 中古高地德语 glanz from Old High German [bright] * see ghel- 2源自 古高地德语 [光亮的] *参见 ghel- 2