gap是什么意思 gap在线中文翻译



n. 缝隙, 缺口, 间断, 间距, 通用汇编程序
vt. 打开缺口, 造成缝隙
vi. 豁开
【计】 通用汇编程序, 图形应用程序, 间距
【化】 间隙; 开口; 空隙; 缺口
【医】 裂, 隙, 裂孔


动词过去式:gapped 过去分词:gapped 现在分词:gapping 第三人称单数:gaps 


名词 gap:

  1. a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures同义词:spread
  2. an open or empty space in or between things同义词:opening
  3. a narrow opening同义词:crack
  4. a pass between mountain peaks同义词:col
  5. a difference (especially an unfortunate difference) between two opinions or two views or two situations
  6. an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity同义词:break, interruption, disruption

动词 gap:

  1. make an opening or gap in同义词:breach


  1. How can we bridge the gap between rich and poor?怎样才能缩小贫富之间的差距?
  2. Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.缩小贫富之间的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一。
  3. They planed to narrow the gap between imports and exports.他们计划缩小进出口的差额。
  4. The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.大门锁上了,但是我们从篱笆的缺口中钻了出去。
  5. There is a generation gap between my parents and I.我父母和我之间有代沟。
  6. The road goes through a gap in the hills.这条路穿过两条山脉之间的峡谷。


An opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach:豁口,裂缝:坚固建筑物或表面的开口;裂缝或缺口:例句:wriggled through a gap in the fence; a large gap in the wall where the artillery shell had exploded.从篱笆间的缺口处穿过;炮弹片在墙上炸的大豁口
A break in a line of defense.防线缺口An opening through mountains; a pass.山凹,隘口:山脉中的开口;通道A space between objects or points; an aperture:空隙,缝隙:物体或位置的间隔;空隙:例句:a gap between his front teeth.他的门牙间的空隙
An interruption of continuity:中断:连续性的中断:例句:a nine-minute gap in the recorded conversation; needed to fill in the gaps in her knowledge.录音谈话中有九分钟的中断;需要填补她在知识上的不足
A conspicuous difference or imbalance; a disparity:差距,悬殊:明显的不同或不平衡;差异:例句:a gap between revenue and spending; the widening gap between rich and poor.收入和消费之间的差距;富人与穷人之间很大的悬殊
A problematic situation resulting from such a disparity:差异所造成的困难状况:例句:the budget gap; the technology gap.预算困难;技术差距
A spark gap.火花隙Computer Science An absence of information on a recording medium, often used to signal the end of a segment of information.【计算机科学】 间隙,间隔:记录介质上的信息空缺,经常用于给信息片段的末端作标志Electronics The distance between the head of a recording device and the surface of the recording medium.【电子学】 录音间隙:录音磁头和录音媒体表面之间的距离v.(动词)gapped,,gaps及物动词)To make an opening in.造成开口,造成裂缝v.intr.(不及物动词)To be or become open.张开,裂开
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old Norse [chasm] 源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 [深坑,裂缝]