fixture是什么意思 fixture在线中文翻译



n. 固定(状态), 固定物, 设备
【计】 夹具
【化】 夹紧装置


名词 fixture:

  1. a object firmly fixed in place (especially in a household)
  2. a regular patron同义词:regular, habitue
  3. the quality of being fixed in place as by some firm attachment同义词:fastness, fixedness, fixity, secureness
  4. the act of putting something in working order again同义词:repair, fix, fixing, mend, mending, reparation


  1. The owner of the house charge us for fixture and fittings.房主要我们支付使用固定设施的费用。
  2. A hinged fixture, such as a metal ring or bar, used for knocking on a door.门环供敲门用的有铰链的固定物,比如金属环或杆,
  3. The price includes all fixtures and fittings.这个价钱把全部固定装置和设备都打在里面了。


n.(名词)Something securely fixed in place.固定物:牢固地安放在一个地方的东西Something attached as a permanent appendage, apparatus, or appliance:固定装置:作为固定的附属物、器具或用具而附上去的东西:例句:plumbing fixtures.管道装置
Law A chattel bound to realty.【法律】 不动产:附在不动产上的动产One that is invariably present in and long associated with a place:固定成员,固定特色:长期出现在某地或与某地有联系的人:例句:a journalist who became a Washington fixture.常出现在华盛顿的记者
The act or process of fixing.固定:固定的动作或程序The condition of being fixed.固定状态:被固定时的状态
来源:Variant of obsolete fixure 废语 fixure的变体 from Late Latin foxôra 源自 后期拉丁语 foxôra from Latin foxus [fixed] * see fix 源自 拉丁语 foxus [固定的] *参见 fix