fall back on是什么意思 fall back on在线中文翻译

fall back on[fɔ:l bæk ɔn]


求助于, 退到, 回头再说


  1. He hide money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on.他把钱藏在床垫里,以资有些东西作为靠山。
  2. Even if he is not successful as a singer, he has his training as a teacher to fall back on.即使作为一个歌手不成功,但他受过师资培训,还可以退而求其次。
  3. If the first plan fails, we can fall back on the second.如果第一计划失败了,我们还可以依靠第二个计划。
  4. She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.她是真正无家可归--我至少有父母可依靠。