fumble是什么意思 fumble在线中文翻译



n. 摸索, 笨拙的行动, 漏球
vt. 摸索, 乱摸, 笨拙的处理, 漏接(球)
vi. 摸索, 笨手笨脚, 漏球


名词:fumbler 动词过去式:fumbled 过去分词:fumbled 现在分词:fumbling 第三人称单数:fumbles 


名词 fumble:

  1. (sports) dropping the ball同义词:muff

动词 fumble:

  1. feel about uncertainly or blindly同义词:grope
  2. make one's way clumsily or blindly同义词:blunder
  3. handle clumsily
  4. make a mess of, destroy or ruin同义词:botch, bodge, bumble, botch up, muff, blow, flub, screw up, ball up, spoil, muck up, bungle, fluff, bollix, bollix up, bollocks, bollocks up, bobble, mishandle, louse up, foul up, mess up, fuck up
  5. drop or juggle or fail to play cleanly a grounder


  1. Fumble for a key.摸索着找钥匙
  2. He fumbled the ball and then dropped it.他笨手笨脚的漏接了球。
  3. She is fumbling the light switch.她正找电灯开关。
  4. She fumbled about in her handbag for a pen.她在手提袋中搜寻钢笔。


v.(动词)fum.bled,fum.bling,fum.bles v.intr.(不及物动词)To touch or handle nervously or idly:乱摸:紧张或徒劳地触摸或处理:例句:fumble with a necktie.紧张地系领结
To grope awkwardly to find or to accomplish something:摸索:笨拙地摸索寻找或干某事:例句:fumble for a key.摸索着找钥匙
To proceed awkwardly and uncertainly; blunder:笨手笨脚地做:笨拙地和不肯定地进行;笨嘴拙舌地说:例句:fumble through a speech.讲话时支支吾吾
Football To drop a ball that is in play.【橄榄球】 失球:在球赛中失球Baseball To mishandle a ground ball.【棒球】 漏接:漏接地面球v.tr.(及物动词)To touch or handle clumsily or idly:笨拙地做:笨拙或无能地做或处理:例句:.fumbled the receiver into its cradle.(Howard Kaplan).笨手笨脚地把听筒放回叉簧.(霍华德·卡普兰)
To make a mess of; bungle.See Synonyms at botch 弄乱;搞糟参见 botchTo feel or make (one`s way) awkwardly.笨拙地感觉或摸索着走路
Football To drop (a ball) while in play.【橄榄球】 失球:球赛中失球Baseball To mishandle (a ground ball).【棒球】 漏接(地面球)n.(名词)The act or an instance of fumbling.摸索:摸索的行为或状态Sports A ball that has been fumbled.【体育运动】 失球,漏接球
来源:Middle English fomelen [to grope] 中古英语 fomelen [摸索]