bite是什么意思 bite在线中文翻译



n. 咬, 一口
vt. 咬, 刺痛, 穿透
vi. 咬, 刺痛, 穿透
【医】 Ж, 咬合, 咬疯, 咬伤
to bite sth back
to bite someone's head off
to bite the dust
to bite at...
to bite in...
to bite off...


名词:biter 形容词:bitable 动词过去式:bit 过去分词:bitten,bit 现在分词:biting 第三人称单数:bites 


bite, chew, gnaw, snap
bite: 指用牙齿钳住或切断,或咬一口。
chew: 指用牙磨碎。
gnaw: 指连续不断用齿咬。
snap: 指突然猛咬。


名词 bite:

  1. a wound resulting from biting by an animal or a person
  2. a small amount of solid food; a mouthful同义词:morsel, bit
  3. a painful wound caused by the thrust of an insect's stinger into skin同义词:sting, insect bite
  4. a light informal meal同义词:collation, snack
  5. (angling) an instance of a fish taking the bait
  6. wit having a sharp and caustic quality同义词:pungency
  7. a strong odor or taste property同义词:pungency, sharpness, raciness
  8. the act of gripping or chewing off with the teeth and jaws同义词:chomp
  9. a portion removed from the whole

动词 bite:

  1. to grip, cut off, or tear with or as if with the teeth or jaws同义词:seize with teeth
  2. cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort同义词:sting, burn
  3. penetrate or cut, as with a knife
  4. deliver a sting to同义词:sting, prick


  1. Another of my great ideas bites the dust!我的一个好主意又碰壁了。
  2. He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。
  3. Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。
  4. The little cat gave me a playful bite.小猫顽皮地轻轻咬了我一下。


v.(动词)bit[bt] bit.ten[bt.n] 或 bit,bites及物动词)To cut, grip, or tear with or as if with the teeth.咬:用牙或好象用牙撕、咬或扯
To pierce the skin of with the teeth, fangs, or mouthparts.咬破,撕裂:用牙、齿或口器咬穿皮肤To sting with a stinger.螫,叮:用螫针螫To cut into with or as if with a sharp instrument:刺穿:用利器等刺穿:例句:The sword bit straight through the wooden shield.剑锋刺穿了木盾
To grip, grab, or seize:握住、攫住或抓住:例句:bald treads that couldn`t bite the icy road; bitten by a sudden desire to travel.光滑的鞋底在结冰的路面上打滑;突然对旅游产生了浓厚的兴趣
To eat into; corrode.腐蚀,侵蚀To cause to sting or be painful:刺痛,疼痛:例句:cold that bites the skin; a conscience bitten by remorse.寒冷刺骨;受悔恨煎熬的良心
v.intr.(不及物动词)To grip, cut into, or injure something with or as if with the teeth.咬:用牙咬、叮或弄伤To have a stinging effect.刺痛:产生刺痛的结果To have a sharp taste.有刺激味道的To take or swallow bait.上钩:抓住或吞下诱饵To be taken in by a ploy or deception:上当,被骗:被策略或诡计所欺骗:例句:tried to sell the Brooklyn Bridge, but no one bit.想卖布鲁克林桥,但没人上当
n.(名词)The act of biting.叮,咬:咬,叮的动作A skin wound or puncture produced by an animal`s teeth or mouthparts:伤口:被动物牙齿或口器咬伤的皮肤上的伤口:例句:the bite of an insect.昆虫咬的伤口
A stinging or smarting sensation.刺痛感:剧烈刺痛的感觉An incisive, penetrating quality:尖刻,尖锐:尖锐,锋利或透彻的品质:例句:the bite of satire.尖刻的讽刺
An amount removed by or as if by an act of biting:一口,少量:咬一口的量:例句:Rezoning took a bite out of the town`s residential area.重新分区后在城市住宅区占了一小块地方
An amount of food taken into the mouth at one time; a mouthful.一口食物;一口,少量:一次吞入口的食物量;一口的量Informal A light meal or snack.【非正式用语】 点心:少量的一顿饭或零食The act or an instance of taking bait:上钩:上钩的行为或事例:例句:fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales.一整天没半条鱼上钩;这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西
A secure grip or hold applied by a tool or machine upon a working surface.固定器:在工作面上使用工具或机器的夹紧或固定装置The part of a tool or machine that presses against and maintains a firm hold on a working surface.固定点,卡紧:工具或机器上紧压工作面保持固定的部分Dentistry The angle at which the upper and lower teeth meet; occlusion.【牙科学】 牙齿的咬合:上下齿的咬合情况;牙咬合The corrosive action of acid upon an etcher`s metal plate.腐蚀:蚀刻器的金属盘上的酸腐蚀Slang An amount of money appropriated or withheld:【俚语】 一笔钱:一次拨取或扣留的钱数:例句:trying to avoid the tax bite.设法逃税
<习惯用语>bite off more than one can chew
To decide or agree to do more than one can finally accomplish.贪多嚼不烂:决定或同意做力所不能及的事bite the bullet【俚语】
To face a painful situation bravely and stoically.忍辱负重:勇敢冷静得地面对困境bite the dust【俚语】
To fall dead, especially in combat.死亡:倒下死去,尤指在战争中To be defeated.被打败To come to an end.终结,结束bite the hand that feeds (one)
To repay generosity or kindness with ingratitude and injury.忘恩负义:对别人的慷慨和善良不但不感激,反而伤害别人习惯用语>来源:Middle English biten 中古英语 biten from Old English botan * see bheid- 源自 古英语 botan *参见 bheid-
【引伸】 或
n.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>bite,champ,gnaw同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to seize and tear or grind something with the teeth.: 这些动词共有的中心含义是.用牙抓,撕或磨.: 例句:bite into a ripe tomato;咬一个熟透的西红柿;
例句:horses champing grain;马嚼谷物;
例句:a dog gnawing a bone. 狗啃骨头