frozen是什么意思 frozen在线中文翻译



a. 冻结的, 冰冷的, 严寒的, 冻伤的, 冷酷的
【法】 冰冻的, 冻伤的, 冻结的


动词 freeze:

  1. change to ice同义词:freeze
  2. stop moving or become immobilized同义词:freeze, stop dead
  3. be cold同义词:freeze
  4. cause to freeze同义词:freeze
  5. stop a process or a habit by imposing a freeze on it同义词:freeze, suspend
  6. be very cold, below the freezing point同义词:freeze
  7. change from a liquid to a solid when cold同义词:freeze, freeze out, freeze down
  8. prohibit the conversion or use of (assets)同义词:freeze, block, immobilize, immobilise
  9. anesthetize by cold同义词:freeze
  10. suddenly behave coldly and formally同义词:freeze

形容词 frozen:

  1. turned into ice; affected by freezing or by long and severe cold
  2. absolutely still同义词:rooted, stock-still
  3. devoid of warmth and cordiality; expressive of unfriendliness or disdain同义词:frigid, frosty, glacial, icy, wintry
  4. not thawed
  5. (used of foods) preserved by freezing sufficiently rapidly to retain flavor and nutritional value同义词:flash-frozen, quick-frozen
  6. not convertible to cash
  7. incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g. "frozen prices"同义词:fixed


  1. The lake was frozen over until late spring.那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。
  2. The window has frozen up and I can't open it.窗户给冻上了,我打不开。
  3. The frozen snow crunched under our feet.冻结的雪在我们的脚下嘎吱作响。
  4. He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food.他以自己的名字命名的冷冻食品成了名牌。
  5. These frozen foods are the most convenient of all.这些冷冻食品是最为方便。
  6. It was so cold that he felt frozen to the marrow.天气太冷了,他感到寒冷刺骨。
  7. The seedling was frozen to death.幼苗被冻死了。
  8. Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas.永冻土永久冰冻的下层土壤,出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区


v.(动词)Past participle of freeze freeze的过去分词adj.(形容词)Made into, covered with, or surrounded by ice.冰冻的:做成冰的、覆盖着冰的或冰环绕的Very cold:严寒的:非常冷:例句:the frozen North.严寒的北方
Preserved by freezing:冷藏的:冰冻贮藏的:例句:frozen meat.冻肉
Rendered immobile:使不变:例句:frozen in their tracks with fear.他们的思想因害怕而保持不变
Expressive of cold unfriendliness or disdain:冷漠的:表现出冷漠不友好或鄙夷的:例句:a frozen look on their faces.他们的表情很冷漠
Kept at a fixed level:固定的:保持同一水平的:例句:frozen rents.固定房租
Impossible to withdraw, sell, or liquidate:冻结的:不能取款、卖出或流动:例句:frozen assets.冻结资产