fly是什么意思 fly在线中文翻译



n. 苍蝇, 两翼昆虫, 飞行
vi. 飞, 飞翔, 飘扬, 逃走
vt. 飞, 飞越, 使飘扬, 逃出
a. 敏捷的
【医】 蝇, 双翅昆虫
let fly
let fly at...
on the fly
fly at...
fly into...
fly off
fly off the handle
fly out
fly right
fly short of...
fly up
fly upon...


形容词:flyable 名词复数:flies 动词过去式:flew 过去分词:flown 现在分词:flying 第三人称单数:flies 


名词 fly:

  1. two-winged insects characterized by active flight
  2. flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent同义词:tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, tent flap
  3. an opening in a garment that is closed by a zipper or by buttons concealed under a fold of cloth同义词:fly front
  4. (baseball) a hit that flies up in the air同义词:fly ball
  5. fisherman's lure consisting of a fishhook decorated to look like an insect

动词 fly:

  1. travel through the air; be airborne同义词:wing
  2. move quickly or suddenly
  3. fly a plane同义词:aviate, pilot
  4. transport by aeroplane
  5. cause to fly or float
  6. be dispersed or disseminated
  7. change quickly from one emotional state to another
  8. pass away rapidly同义词:fell, vanish
  9. travel in an airplane
  10. display in the air or cause to float
  11. run away quickly同义词:flee, take flight
  12. travel over (an area of land or sea) in an aircraft
  13. hit a fly
  14. decrease rapidly and disappear同义词:vanish, vaporize

形容词 fly:

  1. (British informal) not to be deceived or hoodwinked


  1. I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they discuss my future.在他们讨论我的前途时,我恨不得能偷偷旁观。
  2. Five thousand people were flown to Paris during the Easter weekend.在复活节的周末有五千人乘飞机去巴黎。
  3. David gave the door a kick and it flew open.大卫一脚向门踹去,那门猛地开了。
  4. Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.只有有经验的飞行员才能驾驶大型客机。
  5. Our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a fly.我们的狗别看样子凶,其实很温顺。
  6. Housework keeps mother on the fly all day.家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌。
  7. The aircraft was flying above thick fog.飞机在浓雾上空飞行。
  8. How time flies!时间过得真快!


v.(动词)flew[flô] flown[flôn],flies[floz] v.intr.(不及物动词)To engage in flight, especially:飞行:从事飞行,尤指:To move through the air by means of wings or winglike parts.飞:通过利用翅膀或翅状的部分在空中穿行To travel by air:乘飞机旅行:例句:We flew to Dallas.我们乘飞机去达拉斯
To operate an aircraft or spacecraft.驾驶:操纵飞机或飞行器
To rise in or be carried through the air by the wind:升高:被风吹起或在空中传送:例句:a kite flying above the playground.在操场上空飞翔的风筝
To float or flap in the air:飘浮,拍打:在空中飘浮或飘动:例句:pennants flying from the masthead.在桅顶飘扬的信号旗
To move or be sent through the air with great speed:在空中飞速移动或传送:例句:bullets flying in every direction; a plate that flew from my hands when I stumbled.四处飞溅的枪弹;我绊倒时从手中飞出一个盘子
To move with great speed; rush or dart:猛冲:疾速移动;冲或撞:例句:The children flew down the hall. Rumors were flying during their absence.孩子们飞也似的跑下大厅;他们不在时流言四起
To flee; escape.逃离;逃跑To hasten; spring:赶快;弹起:例句:flew to her students` defense.赶快替她的学生说话
To pass by swiftly:飞逝:疾速掠过:例句:a vacation flying by; youth that is soon flown.匆匆飞逝的假期;稍纵即逝的青春
To be dissipated; vanish:消散;消失:例句:Their small inheritance was quickly flown.他们得到的微薄遗产很快就花光了
past tense and past participle flied[flod] Baseball To hit a fly ball.【过去时态与过去分词】 flied[flod] 【棒球】 击高飞球To undergo an explosive reaction; burst:爆炸:经历一次爆炸反应;爆炸:例句:The dropped plate flew into pieces. The motorist flew into a rage.掉在地上的盘子摔成了碎片;驾车的人大发雷霆
Informal To gain acceptance or approval; go over:【非正式用语】 获得接纳或赞许;同意:例句:.However sophisticated the reasoning, this particular notion may not fly.(New York Times).不管原因多么错综复杂,这个特定的观念都不能得到赞许.(纽约时报)及物动词)
To cause to fly or float in the air:使飞翔:使飞翔或在空中飞行:例句:fly a kite; fly a flag.放风筝;挥旗子
Nautical To operate under (a particular flag):【航海】 悬挂:在(某一特定旗子下)运转:例句:a tanker that flies the Liberian flag.挂黎巴嫩旗的坦克
To pilot (an aircraft or a spacecraft).驾驶(太空飞船)To carry or transport in an aircraft or a spacecraft:运送:用飞机或飞行器运载或运输:例句:fly emergency supplies to a stricken area.给受困的地区空运救急物资
To pass over or through in flight:穿过:在飞行中经过或穿过:例句:flew the coastal route in record time.计时飞跃沿海航线
To perform in a spacecraft or an aircraft:操作:在飞机或飞行器中进行操作:例句:flew six missions into space.在空中完成六项飞行任务
To flee or run from:逃跑:例句:fly a place in panic.惊慌而逃
To avoid; shun:避免;回避:例句:fly temptation.避免诱惑
n.(名词)【复数】 flies The act of flying; flight.飞,飞行:飞的动作;飞行
A fold of cloth that covers a fastening of a garment, especially one on the front of trousers.纽扣盖:尤指在裤子前部可盖住衣物的钉扣的布的折叠处The fastening or opening covered by such a fold.被纽扣盖盖住的开口:覆有此种折叠的拴紧物或钉扣处A flap that covers an entrance or forms a rooflike extension for a tent or the canopy of a vehicle.帐篷的双层罩子:盖住入口的帘子或遮挡帐篷或汽车顶篷的屋檐状覆盖物A flyleaf.扉页Baseball A fly ball.【棒球】 高飞球
The span of a flag from the staff to the outer edge.旗子的横幅:从旗杆到外面的旗的宽度The outer edge of a flag.旗的边缘A flywheel.调速轮flies The area directly over the stage of a theater, containing overhead lights, drop curtains, and equipment for raising and lowering sets. flies 舞台的顶棚:剧院舞台的正上方,包括头顶的灯光、幕布和用于升高或降低布景的器械Chiefly British A one-horse carriage, especially one for hire.【多用于英国】 出租马车:一辆马车,尤指用于出租的
<常用词组>fly at
To attack fiercely; assault:猛烈攻击;袭击:例句:The dogs flew at each other`s throats.两条狗互相嘶咬着对方的喉咙
常用词组><习惯用语>fly high
To be elated:洋洋自得:例句:They were flying high after their first child was born.第一个孩子的降生使他们高兴得忘乎所以
fly off the handle【非正式用语】
To become suddenly enraged:勃然大怒:例句:flew off the handle when the train was finally canceled.在火车最终被取消的时候人们大发雷霆
let fly
To shoot, hurl, or release:射击、投掷或释放:例句:The troops let fly a volley of gunfire.部队进行了雨点般的扫射
To lash out; assault:攻击:以手脚或武器猛攻;攻击:例句:The mayor let fly with an angry attack on her critics.市长对批评她的人发出了愤怒的猛攻
on the fly
On the run; in a hurry:急匆匆;急忙:例句:took lunch on the fly.匆忙吃过午饭
While in the air; in flight:在空中;在飞行中:例句:caught the ball on the fly.在空中接球
习惯用语>来源:Middle English flien 中古英语 flien from Old English flôogan * see pleu- 源自 古英语 flôogan *参见 pleu-
fly 2
n.(名词)【复数】 flies
Any of numerous two-winged insects of the order Diptera, especially any of the family Muscidae, which includes the housefly.苍蝇:双翅目带有两支翅膀的一种昆虫,尤指任何一种家蝇科的昆虫,包括家蝇Any of various other flying insects, such as the caddis fly.石蚕,蛾:例如石蛾等任何一种其他会飞的昆虫A fishing lure simulating a fly, made by attaching materials such as feathers, tinsel, and colored thread to a fishhook.假蝇饵:一种把羽毛、金银丝和彩线粘在鱼钓上制成的伪装成苍蝇的鱼饵
<习惯用语>fly in the ointment
A detrimental circumstance or detail; a drawback.瑕疵,美中不足:有损大局的情况或细节;缺点习惯用语>来源:Middle English flie 中古英语 flie from Old English flôoge * see pleu- 源自 古英语 flôoge *参见 pleu-

fly 3
adj.Chiefly British (形容词)【多用于英国】 Mentally alert; sharp.头脑机警的;睿智的
来源:Probably from fly 可能源自 fly