esquire是什么意思 esquire在线中文翻译



n. 先生, 绅士


名词 esquire:

  1. (Middle Ages) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood
  2. a title of respect for a member of the English gentry ranking just below a knight; placed after the name同义词:Esq


n.(名词)A male belonging to the gentry in England and ranking directly below a knight.绅士:士族地位次于骑士的或在中上阶层有一定社会地位的男士Esquire Abbr. Esq.Used as an honorific usually in its abbreviated form, especially after the name of an attorney or a consular officer: Esquire 缩写 Esq.…先生:经常使用其简写形式Esq.表示尊重,特别用在辩护律师或领事馆官员的名字后面:例句:Jane Doe, Esq.; John Doe, Esq.简·多伊;约翰·都伊
In medieval times, a candidate for knighthood who served a knight as an attendant and a shield bearer.骑士随从:中世纪时的候补骑士,骑士随从,持盾侍从Archaic An English country gentleman; a squire.【古语】 英国乡绅;地主
来源:Middle English esquier 中古英语 esquier from Old French escuier 源自 古法语 escuier from Late Latin scôt3rius [shield bearer] 源自 后期拉丁语 scôt3rius [持盾侍从] from Latin scôtum [shield] * see skei- 源自 拉丁语 scôtum [盾,盾状物] *参见 skei-