fake是什么意思 fake在线中文翻译



n. 假货, 欺骗, 诡计
a. 假的
vt. 假造, 仿造
vi. 伪装
【经】 假货, 膺品


动词过去式:faked 过去分词:faked 现在分词:faking 第三人称单数:fakes 


sham, fake
sham: 指可以以假乱真的东西,尤指明显的欺骗。
fake: 通常指没有价值的冒牌货或代用品,但目的不一定全是为骗人。


名词 fake:

  1. something that is a counterfeit; not what it seems to be同义词:sham, postiche
  2. a person who makes deceitful pretenses同义词:imposter, impostor, pretender, faker, fraud, sham, shammer, pseudo, pseud, role player
  3. (football) a deceptive move made by a football player同义词:juke

动词 fake:

  1. make a copy of with the intent to deceive同义词:forge, counterfeit
  2. fake or falsify同义词:fudge, manipulate, falsify, cook, wangle, misrepresent
  3. talk through one's hat同义词:bullshit, bull

形容词 fake:

  1. fraudulent; having a misleading appearance同义词:bogus, phony, phoney, bastard
  2. not genuine or real; being an imitation of the genuine article同义词:false, faux, imitation, simulated


  1. On closer examination the painting was proved to be a fake.再经仔细观察,证实那幅画是膺品。
  2. He faked his father's signature.他伪造父亲的签字。
  3. He looked like a postman but he was really a fake.他看上去像个邮递员,但实际上是假冒的。
  4. That's not a real diamond necklace, it's just a fake!那不是真钻石项链,是假的!


adj.(形容词)Having a false or misleading appearance; fraudulent.假的:有假的或造成误导的外表的;不真实的n.(名词)One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.冒牌货:假的或冒充的人、物;赝品Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one`s opponent or the opposing team.【体育运动】 假动作:方向上一短暂的假的或未完成的改变,用以误导对手或对方v.(动词)faked,fak.ing,fakes v.tr.(及物动词)To contrive and present as genuine; counterfeit.伪造:作为真的设计和介绍;伪造To simulate; feign.See Synonyms at pretend 模仿;假装参见 pretendMusic To improvise (a passage).【音乐】 即兴演奏(一段)Sports To deceive (an opponent) with a fake.【体育运动】 做假动作:以假动作欺骗(对方)v.intr.(不及物动词)To engage in feigning, simulation, or other deceptive activity.做假货:从事伪造、模仿或其它欺骗活动Sports To perform a fake.【体育运动】 做假动作
来源:[Origin unknown] [来源不详]

fake 2
n.(名词)One loop or winding of a coiled rope or cable.一卷绳索,一捆船索:卷起的绳子或钢丝的一圈或一卷v.tr.(及物动词)faked,fak.ing,fakes To coil (a rope or cable).缠(绳子或缆绳)
来源:Middle English faken [to coil a rope] 中古英语 faken [缠绳子]