emollient是什么意思 emollient在线中文翻译



a. 使柔软的
n. 软化剂, 润肤剂
【化】 软化剂; 润肤剂; 润滑药
【医】 润滑药


名词 emollient:

  1. toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin同义词:cream, ointment

形容词 emollient:

  1. having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin同义词:demulcent, salving, softening


  1. Use an emollient for dry skin.乾燥的皮肤要使用润肤剂。


adj.(形容词)Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.润肤的:软化和缓和的,尤指对于皮肤Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying:缓和的:使不粗糙或粗鲁的;缓和的:例句:the emollient approach of a diplomatic mediator.官方调停者的缓和方法
n.(名词)An agent that softens or soothes the skin.润肤剂:软化和缓和皮肤的药An agent that assuages or mollifies.镇静或缓和的药物
来源:Latin ômolliôns ômollient- [present participle of] ômollore [to soften] 拉丁语 ômolliôns ômollient- [] ômollore的现在分词 [软化] ô-, ex- [intensive pref.] * see ex- ô-, ex- [加强词义前缀] *参见 ex-mollore [to soften] from mollis [soft] * see mel- mollore [软化] 源自 mollis [软的] *参见 mel-