expiration是什么意思 expiration在线中文翻译



n. 终止, 满期, 呼出, 呼气
【医】 呼[气], 断气, 死亡
【经】 满期, 届期, 截止


名词 expiration:

  1. a coming to an end of a contract period同义词:termination, expiry
  2. euphemistic expressions for death同义词:passing, loss, departure, exit, going, release
  3. the act of expelling air from the lungs同义词:exhalation, breathing out


  1. This ticket has passed its expiration date, and so it is now invalid.这张票已过了有效期,现在作废了。
  2. An expiration, especially of a contract or an agreement.满期终止,特别是合同或协议的终止
  3. An instrument for measuring the force or volume of inspiration or expiration in the lungs.呼吸气量测定器; 肺活量计用以测量肺部吸入或呼出空气的力量或体积的一种仪器
  4. When is the expiration of your driving license?你的驾驶执照何时到期?
  5. The expiration of contract is coming.合同快到期了。


n.Abbr. exp.(名词)缩写 exp.The act of coming to a close; termination.告终:截止的动作;终结The act of breathing out; exhalation.呼出;呼气Archaic Death.【古语】 死亡