entering是什么意思 entering在线中文翻译



【计】 进入, 键入, 输入, 录入


名词 entering:

  1. a movement into or inward同义词:entrance
  2. the act of entering同义词:entrance, entry, ingress, incoming

动词 enter:

  1. to come or go into同义词:enter, come in, get into, get in, go into, go in, move into
  2. become a participant; be involved in同义词:enter, participate
  3. register formally as a participant or member同义词:enroll, inscribe, enter, enrol, recruit
  4. be or play a part of or in同义词:figure, enter
  5. make a record of; set down in permanent form同义词:record, enter, put down
  6. come on stage同义词:enter
  7. put or introduce into something同义词:insert, infix, enter, introduce
  8. take on duties or office同义词:accede, enter
  9. set out on (an enterprise or subject of study)同义词:embark, enter


  1. I observed him entering the bank with a gun.我看到他带着枪进了银行。
  2. The police showed him the writ of search before entering the house.警察进屋前,给他出示了搜查令。
  3. He wiped his dirty boots on the mat before entering the room.他在进屋前把脏靴子在门垫子上擦了擦。
  4. They were spotted by police as they were entering the bank.他们走进银行时被警察认出来了。
  5. As the word and letters are entered, they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer.当字母和单词被输入以后,它们显示在阴极射线管屏幕上,并且存储在计算机在主存中。
  6. He is entering the priesthood.他任祭司一职。
  7. The right-hand side of an account on which such amounts are entered.贷方金额记入这类数目的一本帐户的右方