eight是什么意思 eight在线中文翻译



num. 八, 八个


名词 eight:

  1. the cardinal number that is the sum of seven and one同义词:8, VIII, eighter, eighter from Decatur, octad, ogdoad, octonary, octet
  2. a group of United States painters founded in 1907 and noted for their realistic depictions of sordid aspects of city life同义词:Ashcan School

形容词 eight:

  1. being one more than seven同义词:8, viii


  1. I'm hardly functional if I don't get eight hours' sleep!我要是不睡上八个小时就无法工作。
  2. You are restricted to eight liters of duty-free wine.携带的免税酒不得超过八升。
  3. There are eight forts in this section of the Great Wall.这一段长城有八个垛口。
  4. Five members voted for the proposal, eight voted against, and two abstained.对于这项建议,五人投票赞成,八人反对,两人弃权。
  5. I am sorry, you can only buy traveler's check at Window Eight.对不起,你只能在八号窗口买旅行支票。
  6. His eight sons largely inherited his fortune.他的八个儿子继承了他的大部分遗产。
  7. There are eight students in the classroom.教室里有八个学生。


n.(名词)The cardinal number equal to 7 + .八:等于7+的基数The eighth in a set or sequence.第八:一组或一列顺序中的第八个Something having eight parts, units, or members, especially:八个一组:有八个部分或成员的东西,尤指:Sports An eight-oared racing shell.【体育运动】 八桨的划船队An eight-cylinder engine or motor vehicle.八汽缸发动机或八汽缸汽车
来源:Middle English eighte 中古英语 eighte from Old English eahta * see oktô(u) 源自 古英语 eahta *参见 oktô(u)