emotion是什么意思 emotion在线中文翻译



n. 情绪, 激动, 强烈的情感
【医】 情绪, 情感
with emotion


名词 emotion:

  1. any strong feeling


  1. His voice cracked with emotion.由于激动,他的声音变得嘶哑。
  2. She choked with emotion.她激动得说不出话来。
  3. I hate this kind of cheap emotion.我讨厌这种肤浅的感情。
  4. Chopin aroused very complicated emotions in her.肖邦的乐曲唤起了她极其复杂的感情。
  5. He appealed to our emotions rather than to our reason.他诉诸我们的情感而非我们的理智。
  6. Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions.爱、喜、恨、惧、悲都是情感。


n.(名词)An intense mental state that arises subjectively rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a strong feeling:冲动:由主观引起而非理智作用的一种强烈的感情状态,并且经常伴有心理上的变化;一种强烈的感觉:例句:the emotions of joy, sorrow, reverence, hate, and love.快乐、痛苦、尊敬、痛恨和爱的冲动
A state of mental agitation or disturbance:激动:心智激动或不稳定的状态:例句:spoke unsteadily in a voice that betrayed his emotion.See Synonyms at feeling 以情绪不正常的语气断断续续地说话参见 feeling
The part of the consciousness that involves feeling; sensibility:情绪:涉及感情的部分理智;感情:例句:.The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect.(Isaac Bashevis Singer).文学的中心要素在于感情和理智的斗争.(艾萨克·巴舍斯·辛格)
来源:French émotion 法语 émotion from Old French esmovoir [to excite] 源自 古法语 esmovoir [激动] from Vulgar Latin *exmovôre 源自 俗拉丁语 *exmovôre Latin ex- [ex-] 拉丁语 ex- [前缀,表.从前的,前任的.] Latin movôre [to move] * see meu…- 拉丁语 movôre [移动] *参见 meu…-