European是什么意思 European在线中文翻译



n. 欧洲人
a. 欧洲的, 欧洲人的
【法】 欧洲的, 欧洲人的


名词 european:

  1. a native or inhabitant of Europe

形容词 european:

  1. of or relating to or characteristic of Europe or the people of Europe


  1. The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in European history.法国大革命是欧洲历史上的火山爆发。
  2. Blue jay is a type of noisy European bird with brightly colored feathers.樫鸟是一种爱叫的欧洲鸟,有鲜艳的羽毛。
  3. Germany is a European country.德国是一个欧洲国家。
  4. There are many clans in European countries.欧洲国家有很多党派。
  5. In speed and efficiency of delivery we can't hold a candle to our European competitors.在邮递速度和效率上我们比不上欧洲的竞争对手。
  6. A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.圣地朝圣者中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记
  7. She is the only European in the class.她是班上唯一的欧洲人。
  8. He looks European.他看上去像欧洲人。

n.Abbr. Eur.(名词)缩写 Eur.A native or inhabitant of Europe.欧洲人:出生于欧洲的人,欧洲居民A person of European descent.欧洲人后裔:有欧洲血统的人adj.Abbr. Eur.(形容词)缩写 Eur.Of or relating to Europe or its peoples, languages, or cultures.欧洲的:欧洲的、欧洲人的或欧洲民族的、欧洲语言的、欧洲文化的