gargle是什么意思 gargle在线中文翻译



vt. 漱
vi. 漱口
n. 漱口药
【化】 含漱剂
【医】 漱液


动词过去式:gargled 过去分词:gargled 现在分词:gargling 第三人称单数:gargles 


名词 gargle:

  1. a medicated solution used for gargling and rinsing the mouth同义词:mouthwash
  2. the sound produced while gargling

动词 gargle:

  1. utter with gargling or burbling sounds
  2. rinse one's mouth and throat with mouthwash同义词:rinse


  1. I think this gargle will relieve your sore throat.我看这含漱剂可以治你的喉痛。
  2. She gargles with an antiseptic mouthwash.她用具有消毒灭菌作用的漱口剂来清洁口腔。
  3. My throat huts. I'd better gargle.我喉咙发痛,得漱漱口。

v.(动词)gar.gled,gar.gling,gar.gles v.intr.(不及物动词)To force exhaled air through a liquid held in the back of the mouth, with the head tilted back, in order to cleanse or medicate the mouth or throat.漱喉:呼气时通过含在口腔后部的液体,头向后倾斜,以达到清理或治疗口腔或咽喉的目的To produce the sound of gargling when speaking or singing.说话或唱歌时发出漱口的声音及物动词)To rinse or medicate (the mouth or throat) by gargling.以漱口的方式清洗或治疗(口腔或咽喉)To circulate or apply (a medicine or solution) by gargling.漱口的方式服(药片或药水)To utter with a gargling sound.以咕噜声说出n.(名词)A medicated solution for gargling.用于漱口的一种药水A gargling sound.漱口时发出的声音
来源:French gargouiller 法语 gargouiller from Old French 源自 古法语