early是什么意思 early在线中文翻译



a. 早的, 早熟的
ad. 很早, 初
【经】 稍早的; 早先
early or late


名词:earliness 形容词比较级:earlier 最高级:earliest 副词比较级:earlier 最高级:earliest 


形容词 early:

  1. at or near the beginning of a period of time or course of events or before the usual or expected time
  2. being or occurring at an early stage of development
  3. belonging to the distant past同义词:former, other
  4. very young
  5. of an early stage in the development of a language or literature
  6. expected in the near future

副词 early:

  1. during an early stage同义词:early on
  2. before the usual time or the time expected同义词:ahead of time, too soon
  3. in good time同义词:betimes


  1. Many conservatives in the early 1900's thought impressionistic art was decadent.20世纪初,许多保守主义者认为印象派的艺术是颓废的。
  2. I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet.我们这本书是否受欢迎,我没有把握--现在言之过早。
  3. We shall find out the truth early or late.我们迟早会查明事实真相。
  4. It's too early for getting up.现在起床还太早。


adj.(形容词)ear.li.er,ear.li.est Of or occurring near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events:早先的,早的:发生在一个系列、一段时间或事件过程之中的靠近初始阶段的:例句:in the early morning; scored two runs in the early innings.清晨;在前几个回合中就得了两分
Of or belonging to a previous or remote period of time:初期的,早期的:属于时间的早期或初期的部分:例句:the early inhabitants of the British Isles.不列颠岛上的早期居民
Of or belonging to an initial stage of development:初级阶段:处于发展阶段的早期部分:例句:an early form of life; an early computer.早期的生活方式;早期的电脑
Occurring, developing, or appearing before the expected or usual time:提早的,早来的:比原定时间或平常习惯时间早些发生、出现或发展:例句:an early spring; an early retirement.早到的春天;提前退休
Maturing or developing relatively soon:早熟的:相对来说较快地发育成熟:例句:an early variety of tomato.早熟的西红柿品种
Occurring in the near future:很快的:在近日就发生的:例句:Observers predicted an early end to the negotiations.观察家预言谈判不久将结束
adv.(副词)ear.lier,ear.liest Near the beginning of a given series, period of time, or course of events:早期地:发生在一系列事件、一段时间或事件过程中初始或靠近初始的阶段:例句:departed early in the day; scored important victories early in the campaign.大清早离开;战役初期就获得重大胜利
At or during a remote or initial period:初期地,古代地:属于时间的早期或初期阶段:例句:decided very early to go into medicine.很早就决定从事医务工作
Before the expected or usual time:提早地,早来地:比原定时间或平常时间早地:例句:arrived at the meeting a few minutes early.提早几分钟到达会场
Soon in relation to others of its kind:早熟地,较快地:比同类品种相对早地:例句:a rose that was cultivated to bloom early.经过培育而早开的玫瑰
来源:Middle English erli 中古英语 erli from Old English ôrloce 源自 古英语 ôrloce ôr [before] * see ayer- ôr [在…之前] *参见 ayer- -loce [adv. suff.] * see -ly 2-loce [后缀,表.副词.] *参见 -ly2