downfall是什么意思 downfall在线中文翻译



n. 衰败, 大雨


名词 downfall:

  1. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation同义词:ruin, ruination
  2. the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)同义词:precipitation
  3. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance同义词:fall


  1. The organization he had built up eventually became the instrument of his downfall.他创建起来的组织到头来却成为促使他倒台的根本原因了。
  2. He is not a snob and therein lay his downfall.他不是个势利小人,而他失败的原因正在于此。
  3. Her enemies are scheming her downfall.她的敌人阴谋打垮她。
  4. Pride was his downfall.骄傲是他垮台的原因。
  5. German-born American editorial cartoonist whose caricatures in Harper's Weekly contributed to the downfall of the Tweed Ring in New York City. He also established the donkey and the elephant as symbols of the Democratic and Republican parties.纳斯特,托马斯1840-1902德裔美国社论卡通画家,他刊登在《哈泼周刊》上的作品对特威德集团在纽约市的垮台很有影响。他还曾创作象征共和党的大象和民主党的毛驴形象
  6. His vanity brought his downfall.他因虚荣心太重而垮台。
  7. Greed led to his downfall.他因贪得无厌而导致身败名裂。


A sudden loss of wealth, rank, reputation, or happiness; ruin.毁灭:财富、地位、名声或快乐的突然消失;毁灭A cause of sudden ruin.突然毁灭的原因A fall of rain or snow, especially a heavy or unexpected one.大阵雨(雪):特别指很大的意料之外的大阵雨或大雪