digestion是什么意思 digestion在线中文翻译



n. 消化力, 领悟
【化】 消化; 消化作用; 蒸煮; 蒸煮作用; 煮解; 浸提; 陈化
【医】 消化, 蒸煮


名词 digestion:

  1. the process of decomposing organic matter (as in sewage) by bacteria or by chemical action or heat
  2. the organic process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed into the body
  3. learning and coming to understand ideas and information


  1. Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook, and a good digestion.幸福者:好存款、好厨子、好肠胃之谓也。
  2. Porridge is good for digestion.粥有益于消化。
  3. The pancreas can produce substances which help in the digestion of food.胰脏能产生助消化的物质。
  4. He has a good digestion.他消化能力很强。


n.(名词)Physiology 【生理学】 The process by which food is converted into substances that can be absorbed and assimilated by the body. It is accomplished in the alimentary canal by the mechanical and enzymatic breakdown of foods into simpler chemical compounds.消化(作用):食物转变成身体可吸收和同化的物质的过程。这是在消化道中通过将食物机械和酶化分解成简单的化学混合物来完成的The result of this process.该过程的结果The ability to digest food.消化力:消化食物的能力The process of decomposing organic matter in sewage by bacteria.细菌分解:用细菌在阴沟里分解有机物的过程Assimilation of ideas or information; understanding.领悟:将意见或信息同化吸收;理解