damned是什么意思 damned在线中文翻译



a. 可恶的, 该死的
ad. 非常


形容词比较级:damneder 最高级:damnedest 副词比较级:damneder 最高级:damnedest 


名词 damned:

  1. people who are condemned to eternal punishment

动词 damn:

  1. wish harm upon; invoke evil upon同义词:curse, beshrew, damn, bedamn, anathemize, anathemise, imprecate, maledict

形容词 damned:

  1. expletives used informally as intensifiers同义词:blasted, blame, blamed, blessed, damn, darned, deuced, goddam, goddamn, goddamned, infernal
  2. in danger of the eternal punishment of hell同义词:cursed, doomed, unredeemed, unsaved

副词 damned:

  1. in a damnable manner同义词:damnably, cursedly


  1. The play was damned by the reviewers.这出戏被评论家批评得一无是处。
  2. I called her a damned hypocrite and that made her sit up.我骂她惺惺作态,她马上警觉起来。
  3. You've got to hand it to her she's damned clever.你不能不佩服她--她简直聪明到了极点。
  4. The book was damned by the critics.这本书受到批评家的指责。
  5. One that is cursed or damned.被咒骂者,被诅咒者
  6. The Calvinist doctrine that God neglected to designate those who would be damned, positively determining only the elect.基督教加尔文派教义中上帝没有指明该诅咒的人,只决定了自己的选民


adj.(形容词)damned.er[d2m.d…r] damned.est[d2m.dst] Condemned, especially to eternal punishment.被判为永久罪的:被判罪的,尤其指永久的惩罚Informal Deserving condemnation; detestable:【非正式用语】 该谴责的;可恶的:例句:this damned weather.这该死的鬼天气
Used as an intensive:十足的,该死的:用作加强语气词:例句:a damned fool.十足的笨蛋
adv.(副词)damneder,damnedest Used as an intensive:无比地,非常地:用作加强语气词:例句:a damned poor excuse.拙劣到极点的借口
n.Theology (名词)【神学】 Souls doomed to eternal punishment.永受罚的灵魂:注定要永受惩罚的灵魂
<注释>There are many regional variants, mostly euphemisms, fordamned, both as an oath and as a mild intensive. Southern exclamations and intensives tend to begin withdad-, a euphemism for .god.—hencedadblamed, dadblasted, dadburn, and dadgum. Dadgum can be combined withit in the interjection dadgummit. Another such euphemism is the better knowndoggone, probably originally Southern but now widespread.Likedadgum, doggone is used as a mild intensive: .The best doggone deals in Alabama. (billboard in Montgomery). Doggone likewise appears in phrasal interjections: Doggonit, I dropped my hammer. A common regional variant ofdamned is durn, also euphemistic and relatively mild,as in this snatch of Baltimore dialogue: .If that`s not just the weirdest durn thing I ever laid eyes on. (Anne Tyler).作为诅咒和轻度的加强语气词,damned 有许多宗教上的替换形式,其中大多为委婉语。 南方人的感叹词和加强语气词倾向于以dad- 作为开始, .上帝.的一种委婉说法——因而出现dadblamed,dadblasted,dadburndadgum。 Dadgum 在感叹词dadgummit 中,可与 it 结合在一起。 另一个这样的委婉词比doggone 知道的人更多, 可能最初为南方人使用而现在已普遍应用了。象dadgum,daggone 被用作轻度的加强语气词: .亚拉巴马最好的交易. (蒙哥马利的大型广告牌)。 Daggone 同样也出现在短语感叹词: 他妈的,我弄掉了锤子。 dammeddurn 的一个常见局部性的变体, 它也是一个委婉语且相对较轻,正如巴尔的摩的几句对话中出现的: 如果那不是最奇特的东西,我绝不会看一眼的 (安妮·泰勒)注释>