disposition是什么意思 disposition在线中文翻译



n. 性情, 处置, 处理, 布置
【医】 素因, 性情
【经】 处理, 处置, 支配
at sb's disposition


temper, character, nature, personality, disposition, complexion
temper: 指从感情方面体现出来,决定处理问题或应付形势的方式的性格或性情,这种性情可以是暂时的也可以长久的。
character: 指对个性或人格所作出的客观评价,常常与道德有关。
nature: 指其天性。
personality: 主要指个性。
disposition: 书面用词,指人的主要爱好或思想、精神方面的重要习性、气质。也可指短暂的情绪。
complexion: 指由思维方式、态度和情绪所决定的本质特征。


名词 disposition:

  1. your usual mood同义词:temperament
  2. the act or means of getting rid of something同义词:disposal
  3. an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others同义词:inclination, tendency
  4. a natural or acquired habit or characteristic tendency in a person or thing


  1. Joanna had a gentle retiring disposition.乔安娜性格温柔而腼腆。
  2. Is a sweet disposition a recommendation in a wife?温和的性情是做妻子的可取之处吗?
  3. The child had a placid disposition.这个孩子性情温和。
  4. She has a calm and introverted disposition.她性格文静内向。
  5. The choice is no longer in their disposition.选择权已不在他们手中了。
  6. They showed a disposition to sign the contract.他们表示有签订合同的意愿。


n.(名词)One`s usual mood; temperament:一贯的性情;脾气:例句:a sweet disposition.和蔼温柔的性格
A habitual inclination; a tendency:意向;倾向:例句:a disposition to disagree.反对的倾向
A physical property or tendency:生理的特性或倾向:例句:a swelling with a disposition to rupture.容易破裂的肿瘤
Arrangement, positioning, or distribution:排列,布置,配置:例句:a cheerful disposition of colors and textures; a convoy oriented into a north-south disposition.颜色与纹理赏心悦目的配置;排列成南北向的护送部队
A final settlement:处理;最终的决定:例句:disposition of the deceased`s property.对死者财产的处理
An act of disposing of; a bestowal or transfer to another.赠与;出售,转让
The power or liberty to control, direct, or dispose.支配权,处置权,处置的自由Management; control.管理,控制
来源:Middle English disposicioun 中古英语 disposicioun from Old French disposition 源自 古法语 disposition from Latin dispositiô dispositiôn- 源自 拉丁语 dispositiô dispositiôn- from dispositus [past participle of] dispônere [to dispose] * see dispose 源自 dispositus [] dispônere的过去分词 [布置,处理;使想要] *参见 dispose
<参考词汇><同义词>disposition,temperament,character,personality,nature同义词>These nouns refer to the combination of qualities that identify a person.这些名词都指辨别一个人的综合品质。 Disposition is approximately equivalent to prevailing frame of mind or spirit: Disposition 大致等同于最主要的思想或精神结构: 例句:.A patronizing disposition always has its meaner side. (George Eliot). .捐助的意向有它更为自私的一面. (乔治·艾略)。
Temperament applies broadly to the sum of physical, emotional, and intellectual characteristics that affect or determine a person`s actions and reactions: Temperament 广泛地用于指影响或决定一个人的行动或反应的身体的、情感的和智力特征的总和: 例句:.Her highly strung temperament made her uncertain . . . capricious . . . enchanting. (George Bernard Shaw). .她极易激动的个性使得她性情多变. . .反复无常. . .魅力无穷. (乔治·贝尔纳·萧伯纳)。
Character especially emphasizes moral and ethical qualities: Character 特别强调道德和伦理上的品质: 例句:.Education has for its object the formation of character. (Herbert Spencer). .教育的目标在于形成性格. (赫伯特·斯宾赛)。
Personality is the sum of distinctive traits that give a person individuality: Pensonality 是使某人表现出独特个性的明显特点的总和: 例句:.The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. (Carl Jung). .两种个性的相遇就如同两种化学物质的接触:如果有什么反应的话,两者都会转变. (卡尔·荣格)。
Nature denotes native or inherent qualities: Nature 意为具有的自然或天生的品质: 例句:.It is my habit,—I hope I may say, my nature,—to believe the best of people. (George W. Curtis)..这是我的习惯——我希望可以说,我的天性——相信别人的长处" (乔治·W·柯蒂)