differentiate是什么意思 differentiate在线中文翻译



vt. 区别, 区分
vi. 区别, 区分
【医】 鉴别, 分化
differentiate A from B


名词:differentiation 动词过去式:differentiated 过去分词:differentiated 现在分词:differentiating 第三人称单数:differentiates 


动词 differentiate:

  1. mark as different同义词:distinguish, separate, secern, secernate, severalize, severalise, tell, tell apart
  2. be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense同义词:distinguish, mark
  3. calculate a derivative; take the derivative
  4. become different during development
  5. evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment同义词:speciate, specialize, specialise
  6. become distinct and acquire a different character


  1. One character is not clearly differentiated from another.人物之间的区别没有明显刻划出来。
  2. The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.那种鸟雄鸟的喙呈橙色,与雌鸟不同。
  3. Can you differentiate one variety from the other?你能将这两个品种区别开来吗?
  4. It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.根据出身不同而区别待人是不对的。
  5. Can you differentiate between the two varieties?你能辨别这两个品种吗?


v.(动词)dif.fer.en.ti.at.ed,dif.fer.en.ti.at.ing,dif.fer.en.ti.ates v.tr.(及物动词)To constitute the distinction between:区分:在两事物间区分差别:例句:subspecies that are differentiated by the markings on their wings.生物可通过它们翅膀上的标记上区别
To perceive or show the difference in or between; discriminate.识别:看出或指出事物间的差别;识别To make different by alteration or modification.使差异:通过变更或修改从而产生差别Mathematics To calculate the derivative or differential of (a function).【数学】 求…的微分:计算导数或(函数的)微分v.intr.(不及物动词)To become distinct or specialized; acquire a different character.变异:变得独特、特殊;需要不同的特性To make distinctions; discriminate.区分出;辨别出Biology To undergo a progressive, developmental change to a more specialized form or function. Used especially of embryonic cells or tissues.【生物学】 分化:不断发生进行的发展变化,从而结构或机能更特殊。尤其指胚胎细胞或组织的发育