audio是什么意思 audio在线中文翻译



a. 音频的, 声音的
【电】 声频




名词 audio:

  1. the audible part of a transmitted signal同义词:sound
  2. an audible acoustic wave frequency同义词:audio frequency
  3. the sound elements of television


  1. Press the setup button to display the setup menu, and move the highlight down to audio.按Setup键显示Setup菜单,然后移动亮条到Audio选项上。
  2. Music, of course, is just a special case of general audio, but an important one.当然,音乐是声波的一种特殊情况,但却是重要的一种。
  3. An electromagnetic wave of audio frequency produced by atmospheric disturbances such as lightning, having a characteristically decreasing frequency responsible for a whistling sound of descending pitch in detection equipment.啸声干扰一种由于诸如闪电等大气干扰而产生的音频电磁波,具有典型的逐渐减弱频率的特征,该频减引起了检波设备中调逐渐下降的啸声
  4. The reproductive quality of audio tapes has improved enormously.录音磁带的复制质量有了很大改进。


adj.(形容词)Of or relating to humanly audible sound.声音的:属于或关于人类可听到的声音的
Of or relating to the broadcasting or reception of sound.声频:属于或关于声音的传播或接收的Of or relating to high-fidelity sound reproduction.高保真:属于或关于高保真度声音的重放的n.(名词)【复数】 au.di.os The part of television or motion-picture equipment that has to do with sound.声音回路:电视接收及动画设备中与声音有关的部分The broadcasting, reception, or reproduction of sound.音响:声音的传播、接收及重放Audible sound.可听到的声音A sound signal.声音信号
来源:From audio- 源自 audio-