difficulty是什么意思 difficulty在线中文翻译



n. 困难, 难点
without difficulty
in difficulty
with difficulty




difficulty, hardship
difficulty: 指需大量思考和技巧或努力才能克服的任何困难。
hardship: 侧重指生活上令人难以承受的艰难困苦,如疾病、贫穷等磨难。


名词 difficulty:

  1. an effort that is inconvenient同义词:trouble
  2. a factor causing trouble in achieving a positive result or tending to produce a negative result
  3. a condition or state of affairs almost beyond one's ability to deal with and requiring great effort to bear or overcome
  4. the quality of being difficult同义词:difficultness


  1. The young teacher had difficulty in holding the children under her girdle.那位年轻的老师很难让孩子们听话。
  2. He experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country.他申请出国签证经历了很大的困难。
  3. He could bluff his way through any difficulty.他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。
  4. Do you apprehend there will be any difficulty?你怕有任何困难吗?
  5. He faced the difficulty with courage.他勇敢地面对困难。
  6. Have you any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?处理这种困难你有什么具体的想法?
  7. She found great difficulties in understanding him.她觉得很难理解他。
  8. He finished the work without any difficulty.他轻而易举地完成了这项工作。


n.(名词)【复数】 dif.fi.cul.ties The condition or quality of being difficult:困难:困难的环境或程序:例句:the difficulty of a task.艰巨的任务
Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved.难事:不容易做、完成、理解或解决的事情Often difficulties A troublesome or embarrassing state of affairs, especially of financial affairs. 常作 difficulties 窘境:很麻烦的或窘迫的事务,特别是指经济事务A laborious effort; a struggle; trouble:艰难:费力的尝试;麻烦事;烦恼:例句:had difficulty walking; completed the test with difficulty.行动艰难;很艰难地通过测验
A disagreement or dispute.异议:意见不和或争执Reluctance or an objection; unwillingness.反对:不愿意或反对;不情愿
来源:Middle English difficulte 中古英语 difficulte from Old French dificulte 源自 古法语 dificulte from Latin difficult3s 源自 拉丁语 difficult3s from difficilis [difficult] 源自 difficilis [困难] dis- [dis-] dis- [前缀,表相反的意思] facilis [easy] * see dhô- facilis [容量] *参见 dhô-
<参考词汇><同义词>difficulty,hardship,rigor,vicissitude同义词>The central meaning shared by these nouns is .something that requires great effort to overcome.: 这些名词的中心意思均为.需很多努力去克服的事情.: 例句:grappling with financial difficulties;遇到经济困难;
例句:a life of hardship;困苦的生活;
例句:undergoing the rigors of prison;经受严酷的监狱生活;
例句:withstood the vicissitudes of an army career. 忍受严格的军旅生活