dismay是什么意思 dismay在线中文翻译



n. 沮丧
vt. 使惊愕, 使气馁


副词:dismayingly 动词过去式:dismayed 过去分词:dismayed 现在分词:dismaying 第三人称单数:dismays 


名词 dismay:

  1. the feeling of despair in the face of obstacles同义词:discouragement, disheartenment
  2. fear resulting from the awareness of danger同义词:alarm, consternation

动词 dismay:

  1. lower someone's spirits; make downhearted同义词:depress, deject, cast down, get down, dispirit, demoralize, demoralise
  2. fill with apprehension or alarm; cause to be unpleasantly surprised同义词:alarm, appal, appall, horrify


  1. Her face registered dismay.她脸上流露出惊慌的神色
  2. This appointment was greeted with relief, dismay, etc.这一委任使人欣慰、 怅惘等。
  3. It dismayed us that the project had been canceled.那个计划取消了,这让我们非常惊讶。
  4. To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.让我感到沮丧的是,他又犯了同样的错误。


v.tr.(及物动词)dis.mayed,dis.may.ing,dis.mays To destroy the courage or resolution of by exciting dread or apprehension.使惊恐;使丧气:因有刺激的恐惧或担忧而失去勇气或果断To cause to lose enthusiasm; disillusion:使失去热情;使幻想破灭:例句:was dismayed to learn that her favorite dancer used drugs.获悉她喜爱的舞蹈演员吸毒,她感到很失望
To upset or alarm.使不安,使惊慌n.(名词)A sudden or complete loss of courage in the face of trouble or danger.丧胆,绝望:在面临麻烦或危险时,突然或完全失去勇气
来源:Middle English dismaien 中古英语 dismaien from Anglo-Norman *desmaiier 源自 英法语 *desmaiier probably de- [intensive pref.] * see de- 可能为 de- [强调前缀] *参见 de-Old French esmaier [to frighten] from Vulgar Latin *exmag3re [to deprive of power] Latin ex- [ex-] Germanic *magan [to be able to] * see magh- 古法语 esmaier [使害怕,使惊恐] 源自 俗拉丁语 *exmag3re [使无力] 拉丁语 ex- [表示.去除.的意思] 日耳曼语 *magan [能] *参见 magh-
adv.(副词)<参考词汇><同义词>dismay,appall,daunt,horrify,shake同义词>These verbs mean to deprive a person of courage or the power to act as a result of fear or anxiety.这些动词都指由于害怕或紧张而无勇气或无力去做某事。 Dismay is the least specific: Dismay 是最普通的: 例句:The news of plummeting stock prices dismayed speculators.股票价格骤然下跌的消息使股民大为失望。
Appall implies a sense of helplessness caused by an awareness of the enormity of something: Appall 含有一种由于某事物的暴虐而造成的无助感: 例句:.for as this appalling ocean surrounds the verdant land. (Herman Melville)..因为当可怕的海水将这块郁郁葱葱的陆地围住时. (赫尔曼·麦尔维尔)。
Daunt suggests an abatement of courage: Daunt 暗指勇气的减少: 例句:.captains courageous, whom death could not daunt. (Anonymous ballad)..勇敢的船长,死亡不会使他们胆怯. (作者不详的民谣)。
Horrify implies dread, shock, or revulsion: Horrify 暗含了害怕、震惊或突变之意: 例句:horrified by the possibility of nuclear war. To 因有可能爆发核战争而害怕
shake is to dismay profoundly: shake 指深深地感到失望: 例句:.A little swift brutality shook him to the very soul. (John Galsworthy).See also Synonyms at fear .短而快速的暴力行为使他惊恐不已. (约翰·高尔斯华绥)参见同义词 fear