divorce是什么意思 divorce在线中文翻译



n. 离婚
vt. 与...离婚
【法】 离婚


动词过去式:divorced 过去分词:divorced 现在分词:divorcing 第三人称单数:divorces 


divide, separate, part, divorce
divide: 指把一个整体按要求分成几个部分,暗示分配之意;也可指分开两个对立的事物。
separate: 指把两个人或物分开,着重从原属一个整体中移居一部分或把两者隔开。
part: 多指使紧密相连的人或物分开,往往暗示最后分离的意味。
divorce: 特指两个或更多的互为依赖的事物的分离,尤指婚姻的合法解体。


名词 divorce:

  1. the legal dissolution of a marriage同义词:divorcement

动词 divorce:

  1. part; cease or break association with同义词:disassociate, dissociate, disunite, disjoint
  2. get a divorce; formally terminate a marriage同义词:split up


  1. The classmates discriminated against him because of his parents' divorce.由于父母的离异,他遭到了同班同学的歧视。
  2. She had adequate grounds for a divorce.她离婚有充分的理由。
  3. The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent's divorce.孩子在情绪上似乎未受到父母离婚的影响。
  4. She filed a petition for divorce.她提出了离婚申请。
  5. He divorced his wife.他和他妻子离了婚。
  6. She got a divorce after years of unhappiness.经过多年的不幸之后,她终于离了婚。


n.(名词)The legal dissolution of a marriage.离婚:解除合法的婚姻A complete or radical severance of closely connected things.分离:紧密联系的事物之间的完全的或急剧的分离v.(动词)di.vorced,di.vorc.ing,di.vorc.es v.tr.(及物动词)To dissolve the marriage bond between.解除…间的婚约To end marriage with (one`s spouse) by way of legal divorce.和…离婚:与(配偶)通过法律判决而结束婚姻To cut off; separate or disunite:使分离:使分离;使脱离或分裂:例句:an idea that was completely divorced from reality.See Synonyms at separate 完全脱离实际的想法参见 separate
v.intr.(不及物动词)To obtain a divorce.获得离婚
来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old French 源自 古法语 from Latin dovortium 源自 拉丁语 dovortium from dovortere [to divert] 源自 dovortere [转向] variant of dovertere * see divert dovertere的变体 *参见 divert