divided是什么意思 divided在线中文翻译



a. 分开的


动词 divide:

  1. separate into parts or portions同义词:divide, split, split up, separate, dissever, carve up
  2. perform a division同义词:divide, fraction
  3. act as a barrier between; stand between同义词:separate, divide
  4. come apart同义词:separate, divide, part
  5. make a division or separation同义词:separate, divide
  6. force, take, or pull apart同义词:separate, disunite, divide, part

形容词 divided:

  1. separated into parts or pieces
  2. having a median strip or island between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions同义词:dual-lane
  3. distributed in portions (often equal) on the basis of a plan or purpose同义词:divided up, shared, shared out


  1. The class is divided in opinion.整个班级意见有分歧。
  2. Six divided by two is three.六除以二得三。
  3. They divided the house into flats.他们把那栋房屋分成许多套住房。
  4. She divided the food into four equal shares.她把食物分成相同的四份。
  5. Twenty can be divided by four.20能被4除。
  6. Something divided and portioned out; a share.一份,份额被分开或分配的东西; 一份
  7. The teacher divided the younger children from the older ones.那个老师把年纪较小的与年纪较大的学童分开(编排)。
  8. A major divided highway designed for high-speed travel.高速公路为高速行进而设计的占主要的被分开的公路


adj.Abbr. div.(形容词)缩写 div.Separated into parts or pieces.分开的:被分成几部分或几块的Being in a state of disagreement or disunity:有分歧的,分裂的:处于分歧或分裂状态的:例句:a divided nation.一个四分五裂的国家
Moved by conflicting interests, emotions, or activities:抵触的:被相抵触的兴趣、感情或活动所左右的:例句:divided loyalties.抵触的忠诚
Separated by distance:被距离隔开的:例句:a child divided from her familiar surroundings.与熟悉的环境隔开的小孩
Having the lanes for opposing traffic separated:有分车道的:具有将相向的车辆分隔开的行车道:例句:divided highways.分车道的高速公路
Botany Having indentations extending to the midrib or base and forming distinct lobes:【植物学】 叶全裂的:锯齿状叶边延伸到叶中脉或叶基部,而形成明显裂片的:例句:divided leaves.叶全裂的叶子